C++ Concurrency In Action的中文翻译,称作C++并行编程实践,基于c++11新标准的并发和多线程编程指南。
2022-04-23 23:19:45 1.35MB 计算机 并行编程
本书介绍目前最常见的并行程序—MPI并行程序的设计方法它适合高校三四年级本科 生非计算机专业研究生作为教材和教学自学参考书也适合于广大的并行计算高性能计 算用户作为自学参考书使用对于有FORTRAN和C编程经验的人员都可以阅读并掌握 本书的内容
2022-04-19 11:49:01 930KB 并行计算 mpich2 分布式计算 并行编程
Professional Parallel Programming with C#: Master Parallel Extensions with .NET 4的源代码, 书的中文名是C#并行编程高级教程 精通.NET 4 Parallel Extensions This is the code file for the book "Professional Parallel Programming with C#: Master Parallel Extensions with .NET 4" ISBN: 978-0-470-49599-5 Author: Gaston C. Hillar Publisher: Wrox - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. This zip file contains the code for the entire book, organized by chapter. In this zip file, you will find eleven folders. Each folder has the code for an entire chapter. When the book mentions a Snippet or a Listing, you can open the project with Visual Studio 2010 and work with the files indicated in the chapter's exercises. For example, Listing2_1 for Chapter 2 has a project that can be found in CH02\Listing2_1. The solution is CH02\Listing2_1\Listing2_1.sln. You can go to the cH02 folder, go to Listing2_1, and then open Listing2_1.sln with Visual Studio 2010. You can also open the code files located in each folder with any text editor. For example, the main program for Listing2_1 is CH02\Listing2_1\Listing2_1\Program.cs. Most of the code is organized in solutions because it makes it easy for you to load the solutions with Visual Studio 2010 and run the examples. Thus, you will also find the code snippets as solutions most of the time. For example, Snippet2_1 for Chapter 2 has a project that be found in CH02\Snippet2_1. The solution is CH02\Snippet2_1\Snippet2_1.sln. You can go to the cH02 folder, go to Snippet2_1, and then open Snippet2_1.sln with Visual Studio 2010. When there isn't a solution for a code listing or code snippet, you will find the code in a text file. For example, Snippet3_4 for Chapter 3 is CH03\Snippet3_4.txt. Enjoy your parallel programming training! Gaston C. Hillar
2022-03-24 20:15:48 59.31MB C# Plinq
C++并行编程实战,英文版,重点讲解C++ 2011里面的thread mutex lock,原子类型等等
2022-02-24 10:57:43 3MB C+ multithread
“高性能计算之并行编程技术 —— MPI并行程序设计”是天河二号官方高性能编程指导性文档,对于天河二号的使用者来说,可能有一定的帮助。
2022-02-20 22:24:45 916KB 天河二号 MPI 并行编程
高性能计算之并行编程技术—— MPI并行程序设计
2021-12-22 17:23:33 1.41MB 并行编程 N体问题
2021-12-03 21:21:40 23B
2021-12-03 10:50:31 96.54MB C#并行编程 高级教程 (中文版).pdf