AIOGram aiogram是一个非常简单且完全异步的框架,适用于以Python 3.7用和编写的 。 它可以帮助您使机器人更快,更简单。 例子 :books: 点击查看一些基本示例入门前几步... 首先,您应该从获得机器人的令牌。 安装aiogram的最新稳定版本,只需运行pip install aiogram 简单的请求 import asyncio from aiogram import Bot async def main (): bot = Bot ( token = BOT - TOKEN ) try : me = await bot . get_me () print ( f":robot_face: Hello, I'm { me . first_name } . \n Have a nice Day!" ) finally : await bot . close () asyncio . run ( main ()) 轮询BotAPI以获取更新和流程更新 import asyncio f
2021-02-01 23:07:39 388KB python bot telegram-bot bot-framework
2021-02-01 14:37:09 7KB python awesome coroutines asyncio
表情符号 Arduino固件协议的高性能Python asyncio客户端。 Pymata-Express是Firmata客户端,与传统的Python兄弟允许您使用高性能的FirmataExpress草图来控制Arduino。 对于不需要或希望使用pymata-express的异步编程范例的人,它使用常规的Python API。 它既支持称为FirmataExpress的StandardaFirmata 2.5.8的增强版本,也支持StandardFirmata和StandardFimataWiFi。 增加了对以下内容的支持: HC-SR04超声波距离传感器使用单个引脚。 DHT湿度/温度传感器。 步进电机。 压电音调生成。 波特率115200 针对FirmataExpress用户的特别说明: pymata-express现在可以验证使用中的FirmataExpress版本。 您可能需要使用Arduino IDE库管理工具升级到最新版本的FirmataExpress。 升级到版本1.11的用户的特别说明 回调数据格式已更改为与pymata4一致。 打回来 1.11版之前
2019 Apress出版 The Python programming language adopted a preemptive concurrency framework in the early 90s via the threading module, which strived to mimic the Java concurrency library, as per the respective commit message. A simple but powerful mechanism governs concurrent execution of bytecode in most Python implementations. This mechanism is called the GIL (global interpreter lock). The interpreter consumes one bytecode instruction at a time. This effectively means that only one thread can run at the same time (in one interpreter process). Despite this fact, the underlying native thread implementation might be able to run more than one thread at a time. The threads are appointed “fair” amounts of CPU time. Without employing sophisticated introspection techniques, this boils down to simple/naive time-based scheduling algorithms. Taking this approach in the past would often yield inferior solutions to an equivalent single threaded program, for Python implementation with a GIL like CPython. Since removing the GIL is not an option,1 and prior attempts like Python safe-thread2 failed because they degraded the single threading performance significantly, the concurrency situation meant having only the threading module
2020-01-10 03:09:48 2.5MB Pythoin
If you’re among the Python developers put off by Asyncio’s complexity, it’s time to take another look. Asyncio is complicated because it aims to solve problems in concurrent network programming for both framework developers and end-user developers like you. The features you need to consider are a small subset of the whole Asyncio API, but picking out the right features is the tricky part. That’s where this practical ebook comes in. Veteran Python developer Caleb Hattingh helps end-user developers gain a basic understanding of Asyncio’s building blocks—enough to get you started writing simple event-based programs. You’ll learn why Asyncio offers a safer alternative to preemptive multitasking (threading) and how this API provides a simple way to support thousands of simultaneous socket connections. Get a critical comparison of Asyncio and threading for concurrent network programming Take an Asyncio walkthrough, including a quickstart guide to help you hit the ground looping with event-based programming Learn the difference between Asyncio features for end-user developers and those for framework developers Understand Asyncio’s new async/await language syntax, including coroutines and task and future APIs Get detailed case studies (with code) of some popular Asyncio-compatible third-party libraries
2019-12-21 18:55:15 4.79MB python asyncio