a book for openssh learning.
2021-10-06 18:41:09 2.92MB openssh ssl ssh apress
Foundations of Security: What Every Programmer Needs to Know (Expert's Voice) Neil Daswani (Author), Christoph Kern (Author), Anita Kesavan (Author) Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Apress (February 16, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 1590597842
2021-10-02 12:04:35 2.67MB Apress ebooks Security
This book is designed for entry-through-intermediate-level device designers who want to build their own Internet of Things (IoT) projects for prototyping and proof-of-concept purposes. Expert makers may also find interesting new approaches. Raspberry Pi IoT Projects contains the tools needed to build a prototype of your design, sense the environment, communicate with the Internet (over the Internet and Machine to Machine communications) and display the results. Several IoT projects and designs are shown from the start to the finish including an IoT Heartbeat Monitor, an IoT Swarm, IoT Solar Powered Weather Station, an IoT iBeacon Application and a RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) IoT Inventory Tracking System. The software is presented as reusable libraries, primarily in Python and C with full source code available. Raspberry Pi IoT Projects: Prototyping Experiments for Makers is also a valuable learning resource for classrooms and learning labs.
2021-08-24 22:04:16 10.58MB Raspberry Pi IoT Projects
My first encounter with the Java programming language was during a one-week Java training session in 1997. I did not get a chance to use Java in a project until 1999. I read two Java books and took a Java 2 programmer certification examination. I did very well on the test, scoring 95 percent. The three questions that I missed on the test made me realize that the books that I had read did not adequately cover details of all the topics. I made up my mind to write a book on the Java programming language. So, I formulated a plan to cover most of the topics that a Java developer needs to use Java effectively in a project, as well as to become certified. I initially planned to cover all essential topics in Java in 700 to 800 pages. As I progressed, I realized that a book covering most of the Java topics in detail could not be written in 700 to 800 pages. One chapter alone that covered data types, operators, and statements spanned 90 pages. I was then faced with the question, “Should I shorten the content of the book or include all the details that I think a Java developer needs?” I opted for including all the details in the book, rather than shortening its content to maintain the original number of pages. It has never been my intent to make lots of money from this book. I was never in a hurry to finish this book because that rush could have compromised the quality and coverage. In short, I wrote this book to help the Java community understand and use the Java programming language effectively, without having to read many books on the same subject. I wrote this book with the plan that it would be a comprehensive one-stop reference for everyone who wants to learn and grasp the intricacies of the Java programming language. One of my high school teachers used to tell us that if one wanted to understand a building, one must first understand the bricks, steel, and mortar that make up the building. The same logic applies to most of the things that we want to unde
2021-08-18 08:14:10 9.32MB Java Threads Lambda Streams
书籍描述: 使用Python使用问题解决方法实现自然语言处理应用程序。这本书有许多编码练习,将帮助您快速部署自然语言处理技术,如文本分类、部分语音识别、主题建模、文本摘要、文本生成、实体提取和情感分析。 自然语言处理配方首先提供清洗和预处理文本数据的解决方案,以及使用高级算法分析文本数据的方法。您将看到文本语义和句法分析的实际应用,以及涉及文本规范化、高级预处理、pos标记和情感分析的复杂自然语言处理方法。您还将学习机器学习和自然语言处理中的深度学习的各种应用。 通过使用本书中的配方,您将拥有一个解决方案工具箱,可以应用于现实世界中您自己的项目,使您的开发时间更快、更高效。
2021-05-12 19:25:44 9.9MB NLP 自然语言处理 Apress
Pytorch Recipes(英文教材)+深度学习框架PyTorch入门与实践(陈云、电子工业出版社),两本打包
2021-04-07 15:47:21 101.5MB pytorch 2019 最新 送陈云
The C++ programming language remains the de facto language for many game development studios around the world. This is true because C++ provides a convenient, low-level programming language that allows developers to straddle the line between high-level software engineering and low-level coding to the metal. This makes it the language of choice for many high-performance and real-time computer programming projects. C++ is a language in active development. Many of the examples in this book use features that were ratified and released in the C++11 standard. Some of the features used are not yet supported by one of the major compiler vendors. This active and progressive language development is a major reason for C++ remaining a widely used and relevant language. The fact that it's the only way to write portable, in-house code across all of the types of computers and processors you find today makes learning C++ a handy skill to have. Devices that support C++ range from mobile phones, game consoles, ATMs, smart watches, to even glasses! C++ programmers will never be short of work. I hope you find this book an invaluable resource in your journey to learning the C++ programming language.
2021-03-20 21:01:38 2.35MB C++
Python Projects for Beginners Python Projects for Beginners
2021-03-11 12:29:28 2.83MB Apress Python
Apress - Essential TypeScript From Beginner to Pro@www.java1234.com.rar
2021-02-17 14:02:02 6.94MB typescript javascript
从Perl 5开始,学习Perl编程的重要核心概念,如变量、流控制、表达式和I/O。此外,这本书还介绍了模式匹配,并展示了Perl非常灵活和强大,而且它不害怕云。在阅读和使用这本书之后,您将能够开始编写自己的强大脚本来解决许多Web和编程问题。这是一本我们中的一些人的书,他们相信我们不需要学习Perl,现在我们知道它比以往任何时候都更普遍。您将看到Perl已经发展成为一种无处不在的多用途、多平台语言:繁重的web应用程序、云、系统管理、自然语言处理和金融工程。这本书提供了有关所有这些任务的Perl角色的有价值的洞察力,并为您的Perl编程冒险提供了一个很好的开端。
2021-01-28 02:23:36 3.07MB Perl Apress