Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy 5th
2023-10-18 23:11:41 32.76MB Data Structures and Algorithms
机器人大牛Peter Corke的经典之作,内容涵盖机器人学(工业机器人,移动机器人,飞行器等等),机器视觉,机器人控制和算法。同时还有matlab机器人工具箱和机器视觉工具箱的实例代码,是一本全面而详细研究机器人方向的入门书籍。
2023-09-06 15:25:23 3.5MB 机器人 机器视觉 机器人控制
Convex Optimization Algorithms, understand convex optimization algorithms, this is good chances
2023-06-05 21:08:06 139.03MB convex
This book is intended to survey the most important computer algorithms in use today, and to teach fundamental techniques to the growing number of people in need of knowing them. It is intended for use as a textbook for a second course in computer science, after students have acquired basic programming skills and familiarity with computer systems. The book also may be useful for self-study or as a reference for people engaged in the development of computer systems or applications programs, since it contains implementations of useful algorithms and detailed information on performance characteristics and clients. The broad perspective taken makes the book an appropriate introduction to the field
2023-05-31 23:19:49 11.74MB Algorithms Java ADT
Introduction to Algorithms (算法导论) 第二版 教师手册包括了习题解答,是英文版本
2023-05-24 10:03:37 1.66MB Introduction Algorithms 算法导论 教师手册
Geometric Folding Algorithms MIT 几何折叠算法配套教材
2023-05-19 02:22:11 10.86MB Geometric Folding Algorithms 几何折叠
Stanford_CS106B_Assignments:我为斯坦福大学CS106B(C ++编程抽象)课程承担的作业的解决方案。 (2017-2018)
In this text, readers are able to look at specific problems and see how careful implementations can reduce the time constraint for large amounts of data from several years to less than a second. Class templates are used to describe generic data structures and first-class versions of vector and string classes are used. Included is an appendix on a Standard Template Library (STL). This text is for readers who want to learn good programming and algorithm analysis skills simultaneously so that they can develop such programs with the maximum amount of efficiency. Readers should have some knowledge of intermediate programming, including topics as object-based programming and recursion, and some background in discrete math
2023-04-22 21:10:16 3.46MB data structures algorithms c++
日志异常检测器 日志异常检测器是一个名为“ Project Scorpio”的开源项目代码。 LAD也简称为LAD。 它可以连接到流媒体源并生成对异常日志行的预测。 在内部,它使用无监督机器学习。 我们结合了许多机器学习模型来实现这一结果。 另外,它在回路反馈系统中还包括一个人。 项目背景 该项目的最初目标是开发一种自动方法,根据用户应用程序日志中包含的信息,在用户的应用程序出现问题时通知用户。 不幸的是,日志中充满了包含警告甚至是可以忽略的错误的消息,因此简单的“查找关键字”方法是不够的。 另外,日志的数量在不断增加,没有人愿意或无法监视所有日志。 简而言之,我们的最初目标是使用自然语言处理工具进行文本编码,并使用机器学习方法进行自动异常检测,以构建一种工具,该工具可以通过突出显示最日志来帮助开发人员针对失败的应用程序更快地执行根本原因分析如果应用程序开始产生高频率的异常日志,则很可能
2023-04-19 10:31:53 12.02MB kubernetes log word2vec machine-learning-algorithms
2023-04-17 13:29:59 10.01MB 游戏编程