This book is for anyone who wants to learn computer programming and knows absolutely nothing about it. If you are wondering whether this book is going to teach you how to create amazing applets or incredible desktop or mobile applications, the answer is “no”—that is a job for other books. So many books out there can teach you those skills in Java, C++, or C#. Many of them even claim that they can teach you in 24 hours! Don’t laugh! They probably can do that, but all of them take one thing for granted—that the reader knows some basics about computer programming. None of those books, unfortunately, bothers to teach you the first thing that a novice programmer needs to learn, which is “Algorithmic Thinking.” Algorithmic Thinking involves more than just learning code. It is a problem solving process that involves learning how to code. With more than 200 solved and about 400 unsolved exercises, 450 true/false, 150 multiple choice, and 160 review questions (the solutions and the answers to which can be found on the Internet), this book is ideal for students, teachers, professors, novices or average programmers, or for anyone who wants to start learning or teaching computer programming using the proper conventions and techniques.
2021-11-18 13:21:26 10.39MB java algorithm
A compact design of non-uniform meta-surface for patch antenna main beam steering is presented in this paper. The proposed design is realized using printed circuit board technology. By adding the non-uniform meta-surface to a patch antenna, the main-beam direction of the patch antenna can be steered by an angle up to 30 degrees from the boresight direction. The meta-surface together with the patch antenna here is called meta-surfaced antenna, which has a very compact structure since there is no
2021-11-12 10:42:06 1.42MB Beam steering compact design
MobileNetV3-SSD-Compact-Version MobileNetV3 SSD的简洁版本 希望尝试新技术请到这里 一个轻量级的目标检测包括多种模型 环境 Ubuntu18.04 版本 PyTorch 1.4 如果您想从头开始需要使用 mbv3_large.old.pth.tar 是backbone用来参数初始化的模型 有可能会历经坎坷 简便方式就是使用预训练模型 如果您要直接测试,模型改名为checkpoint_ssd300.pth.tar 模型下载地址 链接: 提取码:gwwv 模型测试结果 mAP 0.679 (未在COCO数据集做预训练版本) 使用步骤 一 下载VOC数据集之后,将VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007和VOCtest_06-Nov-2007合并在一起 数据集下载 可以看这里 二 先打开create_data_lists.py文件 改成自己数
2021-11-10 20:04:21 23KB ssd mobilenet ssd-mobilenet mobilenet-ssd
安装 SQL Server Compact 4.0 x64 可执行程序 (SSCERuntime_X64-ENU.exe):(请注意,该安装程序仅用于在 64 位计算机上安装 SQL Server Compact)
2021-10-19 19:29:09 2.53MB SQL Server Compact 4.0
如果序列化的对象中有List向量,则会报错:Resize Sysytem.Array,在网上流传的此库,都存在这个问题,在CSDN找到一个解决版本,使用Json35r8版本可以解决这个问题,这是Newtonsoft最后一次更新的版本,测试通过,现发布到网上
2021-10-08 18:24:01 313KB Newtonsoft. .Compact
WinCE开发工具 可用于WinCE6.0的开发 微软官网可以下载到
2021-09-29 11:26:12 24.55MB WinCE开发 .net CF2.0
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 是一种免费的嵌入式数据库,软件开发人员可以使用它来构建 ASP.NET 网站和 Windows 桌面应用程序。SQL Server Compact 4.0 的优点是:占用的空间小,支持在应用程序文件夹中专门部署其二进制文件,轻松地使用 Visual Studio 和 WebMatrix 进行应用程序开发,以及无缝地将架构和数据迁移到 SQL Server。
2021-09-09 19:54:51 4.63MB Compact 4.0 嵌入式数据库
Compact HMI 800 V5.1概述rar,Compact HMI 800 V5.1概述
2021-08-29 17:59:50 15KB 综合资料
ubuntu下使用macos 的主题
2021-08-28 18:01:21 2.03MB macos ubuntu
此安装程序数据库中包含安装 Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0 所需的逻辑和数据
2021-08-27 14:09:40 37.1MB .net cf