SQL Server Dumper 让你可以转储选择的 SQL Server 数据库表为被保存为本地 .sql文件的 SQL INSERT 描述,并且包含用来创建一个重复表格,或者被用于备份目的的所有需要的数据. SQL Server Dumper 3 Beta has been released. SQL Server Dumper 3 has been fully redesigned and come with a lot of new features. Beta version has been released but before release final version i'll need to do more tests. SQL Server Dumper 3 version supports SQL Server 2008. When i finish all tests and complete documentation, i'll release v3 Final Version. Download Version 3.0.8 Beta Installer Zip Version - to test without uninstall previous version. Extract and run SQLDumper.exe or SQLDumper.Console.exe To download SQL Server Dumper Stable Version ( 2.1.3) go to http://www.ruizata.com Support Any doubt/suggestion that you want to make, or some error that you find, please contact me by email.
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