Rethinking Anticipation Tasks: Uncertainty-aware Anticipation of Sparse Surgical Instrument Usage for Context-aware Assistance的个人涂鸦版本
2022-04-06 03:12:08 8.54MB 深度学习 论文阅读
Intention Recognition of Pedestrians and Cyclists by 2D Pose的涂鸦版本 Estimation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2020 task:行人和骑自行车者过马路的意图理解
2022-04-06 03:12:07 12.99MB 深度学习 论文阅读
Aggregating Long-Term Context for Learning Laparoscopic and Robot-Assisted Surgical Workflows的涂鸦版本 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021) task:面向更长时间的外科工作流识别
2022-04-06 03:12:05 10.11MB 深度学习 论文阅读
Skeleton-based abnormal gait recognition with spatio-temporal attention enhanced gait-structural graph convolutional networks的PDF涂鸦 Neurocomputing 2022 task:基于骨架特征的步态识别
2022-04-06 03:11:33 10.34MB 深度学习 论文阅读
X3D: Expanding Architectures for Efficient Video Recognition Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition CVPR 2020 task:将二维方法拓展到三维的视频识别方法
2022-04-06 03:11:27 6.15MB 深度学习 论文阅读
End-to-End Semi-Supervised Learning for Video Action Detection的阅读涂鸦 CVPR 2022 task:端到端的半监督视频动作检测方法
2022-04-06 03:11:27 10.66MB 论文阅读 深度学习
Colar: Effective and Efficient Online Action Detection by Consulting Exemplars CVPR 2022 task:在线动作识别
2022-04-06 03:11:26 4.3MB 深度学习 论文阅读
Forecasting Human-Object Interaction: Joint Prediction of Motor Attention and Actions in First Person Video ECCV 2020 task:anticipating human-object interaction in first person videos
2022-04-06 03:11:25 6.4MB 论文阅读 深度学习
目标检测算法分为单阶段检测算法与双阶段检测算法,YOLO系列是使用较为广泛的单阶段目标检测算法,阅读相关论文并理解相关的思想也许可以给你提供一些新思路! 适合人群:学生党,非专业人士阅读
2021-12-23 18:11:33 9.09MB 目标检测 论文阅读
An implement of the paper of EDA for Chinese corpus.中文语料的EDA数据增强工具。NLP数据增强。论文阅读笔记。
2021-12-20 16:15:02 21KB 机器学习