2022-02-25 10:51:54 555KB android iphone box2d 物理引擎
2022-02-22 16:47:24 1.33MB 物理引擎 网络
Book Description Simulating physics helps cutting-edge games distinguish themselves by making virtual objects behave as we expect them to in the real world. Physics engines are the software programs that run these simulations. Building an engine is difficult, however. There are a large number of new developers (and hobbyists) coming into this market who need help through this complex process. Current introductory books are inadequate; they don't bring enough real-world programming experience to the task. There is a need for an introductory book on game physics with solid coding guidance but which limits the math content. Ian Millington brings his extensive professional programming experience to this problem. He has developed games since 1987, has studied AI and mathematics at the PhD level, and founded Mindlathe Ltd., a company that designed and built commercial physics engines. Physics Engine Development carefully describes each step in the creation of a robust, usable physics engine. It introduces the mathematical concepts in a clear and simple manner, keeping to high school level topics and building a physics code library as it goes. Each new concept is explained in diagrams and code to make sure that even the most novice of game programmers understands. The companion CD-ROM includes the source code for a complete physics engine of commercial quality. This book will serve as a introduction to more mathematically advanced books on game physics, such as Dave Eberly's Game Physics.
2022-02-19 22:14:24 8.44MB 游戏 物理引擎 开发
egret 游戏引擎 p2 Physic物理库 免费下载地址
2022-02-07 14:06:07 347KB egret libs phsyics
2022-01-10 12:02:35 129.21MB bullet 物理引擎
从小猫到猫 1.简介: “从小猫到猫”是一款基于物理引擎(Matter.js)的H5游戏,我们简称为FKC。 为了方便其他开发人员进行潜在的扩展,我们在该项目中开源了该游戏的基本模块。 此外,还提供教学视频和相关演示。 2.安装: 评论: 我还制作了一系列的课程,称为“创新编程”。 在本课程中,我将向您展示将程序与创造力行业中有趣的背景相结合的魔力。 本课程的内容包括AI程序,游戏,动态视觉效果等。 Codepen:
2022-01-03 19:56:33 1.79MB HTML
您是否曾经想炸掉东西? 也许您一直梦always以求地经营原子能发电厂? 您是否有意愿开发自己的CPU? 粉末玩具可以让您做到所有这些,甚至更多! Powder Toy是一款免费的物理沙盒游戏,它可以模拟气压,速度,热量,重力以及不同物质之间无数的相互作用! 该游戏为您提供了各种建筑材料,液体,气体和电子组件,可用于构造复杂的机器,枪支,炸弹,现实地形以及几乎所有其他东西。 然后,您可以对它们进行挖掘并观看很酷的爆炸,添加复杂的布线,玩小火柴人或操作机器。 您可以浏览和播放社区所做的数千种不同的保存,也可以上传自己的保存
2021-12-06 11:57:16 1.23MB 开源软件
2021-11-27 16:47:20 312KB Bullet 物理引擎
状态:维护(预计错误修复和次要更新) 穆乔皮 是一个物理引擎,可进行带触点的详细,有效的刚体模拟。 mujoco-py允许使用Python 3中的MuJoCo。 该库已更新为与2018年10月1日发布的MuJoCo版本2.0兼容。 概要 要求 当前支持以下平台: Linux和Python 3.6及更高版本。 有关系统依赖关系的规范列表,请参阅 。 带有Python 3.6及更高版本的OSX。 以下平台已弃用且不受支持: Windows支持已被弃用,并已在删除。 一个已知的良好过去版本是 。 Python 2已弃用,并已在删除。 Python 2用户可以停留在。 最新版本是 ,可以通过pip install mujoco-py==0.5.7进行安装。 安装MuJoCo 如果您是学生,则可以在上获得30天的免费试用期,或者获得免费许可证。 许可证密钥将通过电子邮件发送,其中包含
2021-11-26 16:25:56 3.2MB Python
cocos creator 像素鸟完整工程,直接打开即可运行,很适合新手,包括碰撞,物理引擎,力作用,UI等的使用
2021-11-23 11:03:50 1.9MB cocos creator UI 物理引擎