2021-12-15 17:05:18 8.69MB 海力士 SKhynix LPDDR4 datasheet
SM2258XT主控开卡量产修复工具,Hynix海力士H25QFT8A1A8R,H25QFT8B3A8R闪存通用,理论海力士三代TLC 3D V4通用
2021-12-10 14:40:45 1.63MB SM2258XT H25QFT 海力士三代TLC 3D
The DDR4 SDRAM is a high-speed dynamic random-access memory internally configured as sixteen-banks, 4 bank group with 4 banks for each bank group for x4/x8 and eight-banks, 2 bank group with 4 banks for each bankgroup for x16 DRAM. The DDR4 SDRAM uses a 8n prefetch architecture to achieve high-speed operation. The 8n prefetch architecture is combined with an interface designed to transfer two data words per clock cycle at the I/O pins. A single read or write operation for the DDR4 SDRAM consists of a single 8n-bit wide, four clock data transfer at the internal DRAM core and eight corresponding n-bit wide, one-half clock cycle data transfers at the I/O pins. Read and write operation to the DDR4 SDRAM are burst oriented, start at a selected location, and continue for a burst length of eight or a ‘chopped’ burst of four in a programmed sequence. Operation begins with the registration of an ACTIVATE Command, which is then followed by a Read or Write command. The address bits registered coincident with the ACTIVATE Command are used to select the bank and row to be activated (BG0-BG1 in x4/8 and BG0 in x16 select the bankgroup; BA0-BA1 select the bank; A0-A17 select the row; refer to “DDR4 SDRAM Addressing” on datasheet). The address bits registered coincident with the Read or Write command are used to select the starting column location for the burst operation, determine if the auto precharge command is to be issued (via A10), and select BC4 or BL8 mode ‘on the fly’ (via A12) if enabled in the mode register. Prior to normal operation, the DDR4 SDRAM must be powered up and initialized in a predefined manner. The following sections provide detailed information covering device reset and initialization, register definition, command descriptions, and device operation.
2021-12-08 15:12:00 5.93MB datasheet
海力士 H27UCG8T2BTR nandflash datasheet。
2021-12-03 09:11:53 3.79MB H27UCG8T2BTR 海力士 nand flash
迪兰RX580 2048SP 8G X战神 PLUS 原版BIOS(海力士,三星,镁光通用) 刷过矿卡的确忘记保存原版BIOS的可以通过这个还原
2021-11-13 19:54:19 109KB RX580 迪兰 bios RX5802048SP8G
rx470d开核(三星海力士显存通用)开核后的RX 470D性能上无限接近RX 470,差距在3%以内;因为RX 470D白金版自身限制过多,对比未开核的RX 470D性能只提高了5、6%,幅度有些不尽人意,因为正常水平下RX 470D与RX 470性能差距在10%左右。
2021-11-07 22:06:13 1.19MB rx470d rx470
2021-10-15 13:05:46 256KB 显卡BIOS
海力士SK hynix原厂SSD固态硬盘管理工具及中文说明书(win32位),对海力士SSD硬盘提供以下功能: • SK hynix 和其他系统硬盘的识别与枚举 • 硬盘的详细信息,如容量、型号等。 • 有关硬盘运行状况的详细信息,显示在 SMART 属性列表中,并提供运行诊断测试的选项 • 用于更新 SSD 固件的机制 • 硬盘擦除选项 • 硬盘诊断 • 恢复 PSID
2021-09-26 17:57:51 64.6MB 海力士SK SSD管理工具
软件介绍: 海力士SK hynix官方发布的一款SSD固态硬盘管理工具,能够提供详细的SSD硬盘信息,如SSD的型号有容量大小等,显示当前SSD SMART运行状态,详细的运行状态信息,支持SSD固件更新,SSD数据擦除,硬盘诊断及恢复PSID等功能。安装包;SK hynix EasyKit_WindowsInstaller_x86.exe,仅用于安装在32位系统上,本站另有X64位版本。
2021-09-23 23:39:28 62.66MB 其他资源
海力士SK hynix原厂SSD管理工具及中文说明书(WIN 64位),是SK hynix对其产品SC304/SC300/SH900等SSD固态硬盘日常管理工具。主要提供以下功能: • SK hynix 和其他系统硬盘的识别与枚举 • 硬盘的详细信息,如容量、型号等。 • 有关硬盘运行状况的详细信息,显示在 SMART 属性列表中,并提供运行诊断测试的选项 • 用于更新 SSD 固件的机制 • 硬盘擦除选项 • 硬盘诊断 • 恢复 PSID 注意:本软件仅保证 SK hynix SSD所有功能的可用性和正确操作,不支持海力士方案的非原厂产品,例如光威的海力士方案产品。
2021-09-11 11:36:42 67.46MB 海力士 SKhynix SSD