2021-09-29 13:13:56 1.75MB 电路,硬件,PCB
2021-08-26 18:58:53 68KB SSI
Version: 2.2.0 (2021-07-22) Keil.STM32F3xx_DFP.2.2.0.pack Updated Pack to STM32Cube_FW_F3 Firmware Package version V1.11.2: Updated HAL to version V1.5.5. External interrupts and events (EXTI) HAL Universal serial bus full-speed device interface (USB) LL Added global define USE_HAL_DRIVER and USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER to the component ::Device:STM32Cube Framework:STM32CubeMX. Added global define USE_HAL_DRIVER and USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER to the component ::Device:STM32Cube HAL:COMMON. STM32CubeMX integration: MX_Device_h.ftl: Updated parsing of USART virtual mode. Updated generation of macros: Added handling for '(' and ')' symbols. FrameworkCubeMX_gpdsc.ftl: Added support for Timebase Source TIMx. Board Examples: Terminating app_main thread with osThreadExit() to avoid endless loop. Updated RTX configuration (CMSIS 5.8.0). Updated template based files (MDK-Middleware 7.13.0). Configured MDK projects to use Arm Compiler 6. Changed Assembler option to armclang (Auto Select). Updated all USB Host/Device examples with user templates from MDK-Middleware v7.11.1. FileSystem, USB: Changed variant selection to "MDK-Plus". Updated Graphics examples to use Segger emWin version 5.50. CMSIS Driver: CAN: Corrected SetBitrate function to leave Silent and Loopback mode as they were. Corrected SetMode function to clear Silent and Loopback mode when NORMAL mode is activated. Corrected MessageSend function to only access required data for sending. Corrected abort message send functionality. I2C: Corrected pin configuration: MX_I2Cx_SMBA_GPIO_PuPdOD replaced with MX_I2Cx_yyy_GPIO_PuPdOD. Corrected usage function name USB Device: Corrected transmitted count for non-control IN endpoints. Updated USBD_EndpointConfigure function to check that maximum packet size requested fits into configured FIFO (compile time configured). Removed include of stm32f3xx_hal_pcd.h header.
Version: 1.4.0 (2021-07-22) Keil.STM32G4xx_DFP.1.4.0.pack CMSIS Flash: Added external Flash Algorithm for STM32G474E-EVAL. Added Option Byte Flash Algorithm example. Board Examples: STM32G474E-EVAL: Migrated example to STM32CubeG4 Firmware Package version V1.4.0. Changed default compiler to Arm Compiler 6. Changed Assembler option to armclang (Auto Select). Updated RTX config files to CMSIS 5.8.0.
Version: 2.6.0 (2021-07-30) Keil.STM32L4xx_DFP.2.6.0.pack Updated Pack to STM32Cube_FW_L4 Firmware Package version V1.17.0 Package Description: Added global define USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER to component ::Device:STM32Cube LL:Common. Added debugProbe board description. Device Support: Updated SVD files and documentation. Reworked device RAM size. Added missing devices: STM32L451CETx, STM32L452CETx, STM32L462CETx, STM32L4Q5CGTxP, STM32L4Q5CGUxP, STM32L4Q5VGTxP, STM32L4Q5QGIxP, STM32L4Q5ZGTxP, STM32L4Q5AGIxP, STM32L4Q5RGTxP. Removed devices: STM32L451RCYx, STM32L452RCYx, STM32L485xx. Updated dbgconf files - Add missing variable DoOptionByteLoading. CMSIS Flash Algorithm: Added algorithm for STM32L4RxxG devices. Updated flash algorithms: STM32L4Rx_2048_Dual, STM32L4P5xx_1M, STM32L4P5xx_512: Added empty check, disable interrupts while programming, fix programming while IWDG in HW mode. Fixed last word programming. CMSIS-Driver: USBH: Fixed port resume occasionally getting stuck in resume signaling. Added compile time configuration for reducing Bulk IN NAK rate. SPI: Updated Control function to: Set SPI bus speed only for master mode and disable DMA before reconfigure DMA Updated SPI_GetStatus function with correct error code Updated SPI_GetDataCount function when SPI is not initialized Board Examples: Updated Assembler option to armclang(Auto Select). Updated config files to CMSIS 5.8.0 and MDK-Middleware 7.13.0.
Version: 1.1.0 (2021-07-23) Keil.STM32U5xx_DFP.1.1.0.pack Updated STM32Cube Firmware U5 library to version V1.0.0 First official release of HAL and LL drivers for STM32U575xx/STM32U585xx devices
板级热分析模块,旧称BetaSoft。     HyperLynx Thermal软件主要用于分析处于设计阶段的电路板和电子元器件的热特性,消除这些产品的耗时原型再设计。32位的程序适于Windows操作系统。HyperLynx Thermal软件在分析产品的温度时具有高精度、快速和界面灵活友好的特点,因而独具优势。同时,HyperLynx Thermal软件与大多数的ECAD(目前包含IDF文件格式的MCAD)软件以及可靠性软件都具有良好的接口。该软件由美国 Dynamic Soft Analysis, Inc公司开发,并在过去12年中,一直在热分析软件领域独领风骚。美国Dynamic S
2021-06-21 22:25:31 144.53MB 硬件
Version: 1.0.3 (2018-04-28) GigaDevice.GD32E10x_DFP.1.0.3.pack Download update GD32E10x firmware .
2021-05-30 14:01:59 375KB Keil MDK5 官方固件库 官方驱动库
Version: 2.0.2 (2020-07-23) GigaDevice.GD32F10x_DFP.2.0.2.pack Download update pdsc file for GD32F10x.
2021-05-30 14:01:59 855KB Keil MDK5 官方固件库 GD32F10x