在本项目中,我们使用Arduino UNO和RFID MFRC522模块设计了基于RFID的出勤系统。
2023-03-01 18:54:45 687KB data collection internet of
#物联网与Python 这是Packt发行的代码存储库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 ##说明和导航 本书随附的代码旨在帮助您进行练习,而不是代替本书本身。 出于上下文使用,该代码可能会导致无法使用的配置,并且不提供任何保修。 该代码将如下所示: class NumberInLeds: def __init__(self): self.leds = [] for i in range(9, 0, -1): led = Led(i, 10 - i) self.leds.append(led) def print_number(self, number): print("==== Turning on {0} LEDs ====".format(num
2023-02-22 17:24:49 1.37MB Python
Explore the current state of the production, processing, and manufacturing industries and discover what it will take to achieve re-industrialization of the former industrial powerhouses that can counterbalance the benefits of cheap labor providers dominating the industrial sector. This book explores the potential for the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and Smart Factory technologies to replace the still largely mechanical, people-based systems of offshore locations. Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things covers Industry 4.0, a term that encapsulates trends and technologies that could rewrite the rules of manufacturing and production. What You'll Learn: What are the Industrial Internet and Industrial Internet of Things Which technologies must advance to enable Industry 4.0 What is happening today to make that happen What are examples of the implementation of Industry 4.0 How to apply some of these case studies What is the potential to take back the lead in manufacturing, and the potential fallout that could result Who This Book is For: Business futurists, business strategists, CEOs and CTOs, and anyone with an interest and an IT or business background; or anyone who may have a keen interest in how the future of IT, industry and production will develop over the next two decades. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to the Industrial Internet Chapter 2: Industrial Internet Use-Cases Chapter 3: The Technical and Business Innovators of the Industrial Internet Chapter 4: IIoT Reference Architecture Chapter 5: Designing Industrial Internet Systems Chapter 6: Examining the Access Network Technology and Protocols Chapter 7: Examining the Middleware Transport Protocols Chapter 8: Middleware Software Patterns Chapter 9: Software Design Concepts Chapter 10: Middleware Industrial Internet of Things Platforms Chapter 11: IIoT WAN Technologies and Protocols Chapter 12: Securing the Industrial Internet Chapter 13: Introducing Industry 4.0 Chapter 14: Smart Factories Chapter 15: Getting From Here to There: A Roadmap
2023-02-20 23:30:17 5.95MB Industry 4.0 IoT
当前版本:0.9.13 xrdp-开源RDP服务器概述xrdp使用Microsoft远程桌面协议(RDP)提供对远程计算机的图形登录。 xrdp接受来自各种RDP cl的连接当前版本:0.9.13 xrdp-开源RDP服务器概述xrdp使用Microsoft远程桌面协议(RDP)提供对远程计算机的图形登录。 xrdp接受来自各种RDP客户端的连接:FreeRDP,rdesktop,NeutrinoRDP和Microsoft远程桌面客户端(适用于Windows,Mac OS,iOS和Android)。 默认情况下,RDP传输使用TLS加密。 功能远程桌面访问可以从任何地方使用RDP连接到Linux桌面(需要xorgxrdp Xorg modu
2023-02-19 01:08:43 923KB C/C++ Networking and Internet
Minnow Server Minnow Server是一种超小型且快速的嵌入式HTTP(S)WebSocket服务器,它使没有外部存储器的小型微控制器充当实时Web服务器。 Minnow Server包括用于随后的Minnow Server Minnow Server的端口层,Minnow Server是一种超小型且快速的嵌入式HTTP(S)WebSocket服务器,它使没有外部存储器的小型微控制器充当实时Web服务器。 Minnow服务器包括用于以下平台的移植层:FreeRTOS-TCP https://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-Plus/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP/ Harmony Microchip Harmony TCP / IP MDK Keil MDK MQX MQX和FreeCS的RTCS来自Netscale ThreadX Express Logic Posix POSIX,包括Linux,Mac,VxWorks,QNX Windows Standard Wind
2023-01-10 18:07:26 251KB C/C++ Networking and Internet
2023-01-05 17:52:38 2KB Avast
WinXp系统自带 Internet跳棋(人机对战源程序)
2022-12-11 11:45:31 84KB 控件 源码 统计计数 资源
2022-12-06 13:03:46 4KB ie浏览器
2022-11-29 14:21:10 1.58MB 通信
工业已经通过机器实现自动化,这些机器允许在没有或很少手动干预的情况下完成全自动任务。 物联网和工业自动化面临许多挑战,例如数据和服务安全、信任、数据完整性、信息隐私、可扩展性和互操作性自动化领域约束。 本文结合了树莓派工业工作站和使用物联网的工业自动化的概念。 在这里,我们提出了高效的工业自动化系统,允许用户通过互联网有效地控制工业设备/机器。
2022-11-24 23:17:16 182KB IoT Industrial Internet