IC笔试题大全 有数字和模拟两种类型 部分题目配有详细答案
2021-08-07 16:07:39 2.36MB IC 数字电路 模拟电路
2021-07-14 14:02:52 1.97MB gpu 数字仿真 有限元
2021-07-10 15:05:22 256KB MATLAB 数据分析 数据处理 论文期刊
经典Multisim应用仿真源文件数字电路模拟电路Multisim仿真实例72例合集: 0~100度数显温度计(8位256_ADC).ms13 0音调音频放大器.ms14 1-99分钟倒计时 (1).ms10 1.6KHz输出幅度可调四种波形发生器 (2).ms10 1.6KHz输出幅度可调四种波形发生器.ms10 161210 交流接触器自锁互锁.ms10 161212 555触摸延时.ms10 161216 555多谐振荡喇叭应用.ms10 161219 交通灯控制器设计(改).ms14 161224 78XX增强型稳压输出电路.ms13 161225 八路彩灯控制器.ms10 170414 200KHz三角波3554.ms10 170414 200KHz三角波5534.ms10 170414 文氏振荡 5KHz ±5V.ms10 170415 三种波形发生器 5kHz ±5V.ms10 170417 LM723过流保护直流可调稳压电源.ms10 170417 TDA2030音调音频放大器.ms10 170621 自动打铃器(6组定时).ms10 170622 三位数密码锁.ms10 170624 速度表.ms12 170709 交通信号灯 60(5)-45(5).ms13 170923 彩灯控制器(部分).ms10 171219 八位二进制转三位十进制.ms13 171230 序列脉冲控制电子锁.ms10 171230 序列脉冲控制电子锁.ms11 171231 出租车自动计费器.ms10 171231 出租车计费器.ms10 180101 出租车计费器X 等候过程错误计费问题】.ms10 180119 过压欠压保护电路.ms10 180307 MAX16823应用.ms10 180423 信号发生器.ms10 5-12V+可调稳压电源电路(317).ms10 5-20V+可调稳压电源电路(317).ms14 50-5-30 红绿灯控制电路 (2).ms10 50-5-30 红绿灯控制电路.ms10 6路20秒声光显示计分抢答器.ms14 8位ADC应用-LM317 5-12调压显示.ms13 8路抢答器电路 (2).ms10 8路抢答器电路.ms10 BCD译码器.ms13 Multisim仿真—电路&模电&数电.doc Multisim模拟电路仿真实例.ppt TL494 DC-DC应用.ms12 三种波形发生器 (2).ms10 三种波形发生器.ms10 交通灯20-3-10-3 (2).ms10 交通灯20-3-10-3.ms10 四种波形发生器-741 (2).ms10 四种波形发生器-741.ms10 四路20秒声光显示计分抢答器 (2).ms10 四路20秒声光显示计分抢答器.ms10 基于Multisim的高频信号发生器设计.doc 定时3秒的蜂鸣器可预置的有点错的倒计时定时器.ms14 拔河游戏 (2).ms10 拔河游戏.ms10 数字日历设计 (2).ms10 数字日历设计.ms10 数字时钟电路带兴起显示.ms14 数字电子钟仿真电路图 (2).ms10 数字电子钟仿真电路图.ms10 数字跑表 (2).ms13 数字跑表.ms13 数码管的简单控制 (2).ms13 数码管的简单控制.ms13 正弦波741 (2).ms10 正弦波741.ms10 简易洗衣机2_X (2).ms10 简易洗衣机2_X.ms10 简易电梯 (2).ms13 简易电梯.ms13 篮球30秒计时器_X (2).ms13 篮球30秒计时器_X.ms13 负反馈式音调控制电路 (2).ms12 负反馈式音调控制电路.ms12
2021-05-25 22:48:25 5.32MB VC 数字时钟,模拟时钟
2021-05-13 16:41:07 335KB PKI数字信封
超全电路元件,包含逻辑门、集成电路元件、波形图、逻辑门、版图等元件 各个level电路图的常用元件均有
2021-04-14 15:43:23 378KB Visio 数字电路 模拟电路 逻辑门
An ideal first text on communication systems in electrical engineering, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems is now in its fourth edition. Retaining the superb pedagogical style of the first three editions, the authors first introduce the fundamentals of signals and systems and core communication topics; they then present the tools essential to the design and analysis of digital communications. Featuring a seamless blend of mathematics and heuristics, carefully crafted examples to clarify mathematical abstractions, and new and updated MATLAB exercises, this text provides a thorough coverage of modern communication system theory and application that is easily accessible to students. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems is suitable for students with or without prior knowledge of probability theory. Only after laying a solid foundation in how communication systems work do the authors delve into analyses of communication systems that require probability theory and random processes. Revised, expanded, and updated throughout, the fourth edition reflects the many technological advances in the field, such as OFDM and CDMA, pervasive communication applications such as cellular systems, wireless LAN systems, and DSL modem technology services. New to this Edition * New discussion of technological advances and applications * New chapters (12 and 13) on spread spectrum communications and frequency selective channels and OFDM systems * New and updated MATLAB examples * New material on such topics as code division multiple-access (CDMA), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), equalization, soft decoding, turbo codes, and low-density parity check (LDPC) codes Features * Flexible organization (outlined in the preface) that accommodates a variety of course structures, including one-semester, two-semester, one-quarter, and two-quarter * Accessible to students with no background in probability theory * Abundant real-world examples that are applica
2020-01-17 03:12:36 49.87MB Digital Analog
2019-12-21 22:02:13 358KB c# 研华DAQ 数字量 模拟量