This book does not teach R programming, but each chapter has an “R lab” with data analysis and simulations. Students can learn R from these labs and by using R’s help or the manual An Introduction to R (available at the CRAN web site and R’s online help) to learn more about the functions used in the labs. Also, the text does indicate which R functions are used in the examples. Occasionally, R code is given to illustrate some process, for example, in Chap. 16 finding the tangency portfolio by quadratic programming. For readers wishing to use R, the bibliographical notes at the end of each chapter mention books that cover R programming and the book’s web site contains examples of the R and WinBUGS code used to produce this book. Students enter my course Statistics for Financial Engineering with quite disparate knowledge of R. Some are very accomplished R programmers, while others have no experience with R, although all have experience with some programming language. Students with no previous experience with R generally need assistance from the instructor to get started on the R labs. Readers using this book for self-study should learn R first before attempting the R labs.
全世界最经典的数据结构教材,Horowitz的《数据结构基础Fundamentals of Data Structures》,中文版,其它所有数据结构书籍均继承于此,包括清华严蔚敏的书。 本书1983年出版,已经绝版。 Horowitz这个姓氏很有名,有科学家、音乐家等,犹太望族吗?
2021-08-29 17:37:10 17.16MB Fundamentals of Data Structures
此函数给出日期数字“时间”和矩阵“M” 在输入文件中读取的 radiosoundings,以 ascii 文本形式获得从“ ”中“剪切并粘贴”。 输入文件可以包含任意数量的无线电声音。 'station_id' 是站号,需要定位每个数据块的开头。 它必须是字符串格式。 如果没有定义station_id,则从文本文件的第一行读取, 因此请确保第一行的前五个字符包含 ID。 “M”有三个维度: 1. 每个无线电测深的垂直测量(50 行) 2、不同数量的列(11列): PRES HGHT TEMP DWPT RELH MIXR DRCT SKNT THTA THTE THTV hPa m CC % g/kg 度结 KKK 3. 输入文件中的无线电探测数量(变量)。 “时间”是从文件中读取的每个无线电
2021-08-20 15:14:41 2KB matlab
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2021-08-17 13:16:24 146.95MB C c++ 数据结构 算法
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2021-08-05 12:03:30 3.6MB mvc mongodb mongoose express-js
2021-07-07 15:52:57 98.58MB 漏洞数据
最新省市区数据,包含省市区村委会。2018-10月份最新。 excel文件,列出的是河北省所有数据。需要其他格式的可以私信我。
2021-06-28 22:38:49 30.36MB 河北省 省市区 最新数据