NLP项目 自然语言处理项目,其中包括有关以下方面的概念和脚本: gensim , fastText和tensorflow实现。 参见, doc2vec , word2vec averaging和Smooth Inverse Frequency实现 对话系统的类别和组成 tensorflow LSTM (请参阅 ,和 , ) fastText实现 ELMo,ULMFit,GPT,BERT,XLNet的原理 HMM Viterbi实现。 参见,中文解读 Named_Entity_Recognition 通过双向LSTM + CRF,张量tensorflow实现对NER品牌。 参见中文注释,中文解读 7_Information_retrieval 8_Information_extraction 9_Knowledge_graph 10_Text_generation 11
2021-10-24 22:27:54 19.47MB unreal-engine ue4 unreal-engine-4 UnrealEngineC++
本文总结了目前任务型对话系统最新的进展和挑战,讨论了三个相关的关键问题:(1)如何提高数据使用效率,在资源不足的情况下对任务型对话系统进行建模;(2)如何为多轮对话的对话策略进行建模,使其在任务完成上表现的更好; (3) 如何将领域的本体知识集成到pipeline模型和端到端模型中。同时回顾了当前对话评估的方法和目前广泛使用的语料库的最新进展。
2021-10-14 18:03:34 3.64MB 任务型对话系统
2021-10-14 18:02:27 575KB dialog_system
unity游戏对话系统 Dialogue System for Unity Requires Unity 5.3.6 or higher. Version 1.x to 2.x Upgrade Instructions Need version 1.xContact us. Dialogue System for Unity makes it easy to add interactive dialogue and quests to your game. It's a complete, robust solution including a visual node-based editor, dialogue UIs, cutscenes, quest logs, save/load, and more. The core is a lean, efficient conversation system. A large collection of included, optional add-ons make it quick and easy to drop conversations into your project and integrate them with other products. No sc ripting is required, and complete C# source is included. Cinemachine & Timeline Integration! Editor: Visual, node-based dialogue editor Importers for Chat Mapper, articy:draft 1/2/3, Ink, Neverwinter Nights, Talkit, and CSV I2 Localization support Engine: Dynamic, branching conversation trees Barks and alerts Cutscenes (audio, animation, etc.) Quick Time Events (QTEs) Quest system
2021-10-14 13:08:46 69.18MB unity 对话系统 DialogueSystem 游戏对话系统
unity游戏对话系统Dialogue System for Unity 2.0.2 Requires Unity 5.3.6 or higher. Version 1.x to 2.x Upgrade Instructions Need version 1.xContact us. Dialogue System for Unity makes it easy to add interactive dialogue and quests to your game. It's a complete, robust solution including a visual node-based editor, dialogue UIs, cutscenes, quest logs, save/load, and more. The core is a lean, efficient conversation system. A large collection of included, optional add-ons make it quick and easy to drop conversations into your project and integrate them with other products. No sc ripting is required, and complete C# source is included. Cinemachine & Timeline Integration! Editor: Visual, node-based dialogue editor Importers for Chat Mapper, articy:draft 1/2/3, Ink, Neverwinter Nights, Talkit, and CSV I2 Localization support Engine: Dynamic, branching conversation trees Barks and alerts Cutscenes (audio, animation, etc.) Quick Time Events (QTEs) Quest system
2021-09-24 12:26:24 41.54MB dialogue sys unity 游戏对话系统
用于训练中英文对话系统的语料库 Datasets for Training Chatbot System
2021-08-24 14:15:45 99.16MB Python开发-其它杂项
2021-08-06 17:12:47 290KB 对话系统 bert nlp
中世纪RPG 一个2D像素艺术RPG游戏,具有任务系统,战斗系统,对话系统,boss战斗等功能... 有关项目的摘要 该项目将是2D RPG。 主要灵感来自全能的Undertale,但由于我从玩过其他RPGM游戏中获得的经验,因此我将添加更多功能,例如战斗系统和任务系统。 项目正在开发中,因此当然会有一些错误或其他问题。 请指出,我将很高兴感谢您的关注。 项目要求 我希望您对C#有一个基本的了解。 我不会讲解代码的每一个细节,而只会解释代码在游戏中的功能方式。 如果您也了解C#中的中间概念,但不一定一定会有所帮助。 我也希望您对Unity有基本的了解。 您需要知道界面中的prefab,ca
2021-07-21 18:35:54 71.33MB rpg unity pixel-art pixel