`class_code` '门类编码', `class_name` '门类名称', `specialty_class_code` '专业类编码', `specialty_class_name` '专业类名称', `specialty_type` '专业类型 1、基本专业 2、特殊专业', `specialty_code` '专业编码', `specialty_name` '专业名称', `degree` '授予学位门类', `learn_year` '修业年限', `create_year` '增设年份',
2022-01-20 14:04:52 95KB 专业 mysql 数据库
`country_name` '国家名称' `currency_name` '货币名称' `currency_code` '货币单位简码' `currency_number` '货币代码'
2022-01-20 14:04:51 24KB mysql 数据库 国家货币编码
`country_code_2` '国家id', `name` '朝代名称', `create_time` '建国时间时间戳', `create_time_str` '创建时间', `end_time` '结束时间时间戳', `end_time_str` '结束时间', `creator_id` '建立者id', `creator_name` '建立者名称', `capital` '都城', `status` '有效状态 0 正常 1 删除',
2022-01-20 14:04:51 10KB mysql 数据库 中国朝代
2021-12-08 09:10:07 18.13MB 测试日志数据
2021-11-09 17:08:36 69KB 词条存储格式
2021-10-03 17:11:45 138KB GeoTIFF
mongodb 3.2 以上 windows 管理工具 MongoCola2.1.0 支持 wiredTiger 存储格式
2021-08-10 20:55:20 1.24MB mongodb windows 管理工具 MongoCola
2021-06-23 13:02:21 1.76MB MATLAB 数据格式 cast 存储格式
2021-04-19 18:05:11 1KB python队列
Relational database systems have traditionally optimized for I/O performance and organized records sequentially on disk pages using the N-ary Storage Model (NSM) (a.k.a., slotted pages). Recent research, however, indicates that cache utilization and performance is becoming increasingly important on modern platforms. In this paper, we first demonstrate that in-page data placement is the key to high cache performance and that NSM exhibits low cache utilization on modern platforms. Next, we propose a new data organization model called PAX (Partition Attributes Across), that significantly improves cache performance by grouping together all values of each attribute within each page. Because PAX only affects layout inside the pages, it incurs no storage penalty and does not affect I/O behavior. According to our experimental results (which were obtained without using any indices on the participating relations), when compared to NSM (a) PAX exhibits superior cache and memory bandwidth utilization, saving at least 75% of NSM’s stall time due to data cache accesses, (b) range selection queries and updates on memory-resident relations execute 17-25% faster, and (c) TPC-H queries involving I/O execute 11-48% faster. Finally, we show that PAX performs well across different memory system designs.
2021-03-30 18:01:40 196KB 存储格式