C++实现RC4加密算法,以2进制形式输出密钥流和密文到控制台并将结果记录至.txt文件。 用到KSA PRGA算法,最后用异或进行加密/解密。
2021-11-05 09:44:59 42KB CTF 破解 网络安全 加密解密
2021-11-02 23:12:47 2.17MB 文件加密 文件解密 文件安全
信息安全专业的最好参考书(呵呵,偶是信息安全的)好书哦~~~~ 做课程设计时用的上
2021-10-27 10:23:34 3.47MB c c++ 信息安全 加密算法
BIP39-助记符生成器 致谢:史蒂文·哈萨基斯(Steven Hatzakis) 一种简化的python程序,用于生成有效的bip39回文助记符,通过Python中的secrets模块使用初始随机熵来进行加密安全熵,然后以各种格式(包括十六进制)和字节数组形式显示熵,然后进行哈希运算以获取前导所需数字哈希摘要中的比特数,以计算校验和并完成最终的单词组。 当单词顺序颠倒时,回文助记符也有效。 公式:初始熵(单位为比特)/ 32 =校验和长度(以比特为单位)初始熵mod 11 =剩余比特+校验和=最后一个字初始熵+校验和=总比特数/ 11 =总字数。 捐款: BTC : 32rc2mZ8mb4feHiMKTwBjZoPTuBtS7ZJ99 LTC : MKzsA3LepnirppLm1ecu6EKGGa84bTU8jj ETH : 0xdDa3f78891ddBA5F3cf84767
2021-10-25 16:34:52 22KB Python
With the increasing requirements of the performance in secure communication filed based on chaos, chaotic systems have been gradually developed into higher dimensions. Because the sequence generated by onedimension chaos, such as Chebyshev map has the problem of weak chaotic properties and uneven distribution, a new two-dimensional chaotic map, called Logistic-Adjusted-Chebyshev map (2D-LACM), is proposed in this paper which enlarges the range of chaotic control parameter, and expands the range of surjection to the entire control parameter interval to make the distribution of the sequence more uniform. Compared with other improved chaotic maps, the proposed 2D-LACM in this paper has more complex chaotic properties and better ergodicity. Next, a visualized image encryption algorithm based on 2D-LACM is proposed (LACM-VIEA), which can encrypt the plain image into a noisy image, and then embed it into a cover image of the same size. In order to demonstrate the security of LACM-VIEA, the algorithm is analyzed in detail from the aspects of key, histogram, visual effect, robustness and anti-plaintext attacks, etc. The final analysis results show that LACM-VIEA has good security performance.
2021-08-11 22:00:09 16.98MB 混沌系统设计 视觉安全加密
目录 HTTPS发展趋势 HTTPS应用解决方案 加密无处不在
2021-08-08 09:00:11 2.3MB HTTPS 数据安全 加密
Cyphertite 2.0 简介:Windows 中的全新外观和感觉! Cyphertite 是一个类似于 tar 的安全远程归档程序。 它在传输之前对数据进行重复数据删除、压缩和加密,在提供完全隐私的同时减少不必要的有线流量。 它在各种平台上无缝支持 IPv6 和 IPv4。
2021-07-25 12:02:58 10.96MB 开源软件