熊猫1.x食谱-第二版 这是出版的《 的代码库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 畅销书《熊猫食谱》的新版本已更新为《熊猫1.x》,其中包括有关创建和测试以及探索性数据分析的新章节。 食谱是用现代的熊猫结构写的。 本书还介绍了EDA,整理数据,数据透视,时间序列计算,可视化等。 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 每个文件夹均以数字开头,后跟应用程序名称。 例如,Chapter02。 该代码将如下所示: def tweak_kag(df): na_mask = df.Q9.isna() hide_mask = df.Q9.str.startswith('I do not').fillna(False) df = df[~na_mask & ~hide_mask] 相关产品
2023-03-08 17:11:16 46.68MB JupyterNotebook
Karl-Rudolf Koch Introduction to Bayesian Statistics Second, updated and enlarged Edition
2023-03-06 16:04:48 2.83MB bayesian statistics
ISO26262(2018第二版本)ISO 26262.1-12的2018年第二版,本资源为英文原版标准。
2023-03-04 15:33:55 21.27MB 新能源 汽车 ISO 国家标准
Scientists today collect samples of curves and other functional observations. This monograph presents many ideas and techniques for such data. Included are expressions in the functional domain of such classics as linear regression, principal components analysis, linear modelling, and canonical correlation analysis, as well as specifically functional techniques such as curve registration and principal differential analysis. Data arising in real applications are used throughout for both motivation and illustration, showing how functional approaches allow us to see new things, especially by exploiting the smoothness of the processes generating the data. The data sets exemplify the wide scope of functional data analysis; they are drwan from growth analysis, meterology, biomechanics, equine science, economics, and medicine.The book presents novel statistical technology while keeping the mathematical level widely accessible. It is designed to appeal to students, to applied data analysts, and to experienced researchers; it will have value both within statistics and across a broad spectrum of other fields. Much of the material is based on the authors' own work, some of which appears here for the first time.Jim Ramsay is Professor of Psychology at McGill University and is an international authority on many aspects of multivariate analysis. He draws on his collaboration with researchers in speech articulation, motor control, meteorology, psychology, and human physiology to illustrate his technical contributions to functional data analysis in a wide range of statistical and application journals.Bernard Silverman, author of the highly regarded "Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis," and coauthor of "Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models: A Roughness Penalty Approach," is Professor of Statistics at Bristol University. His published work on smoothing methods and other aspects of applied, computational, and theoretical statistics has been recognized by the Presidents' Award of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies, and the award of two Guy Medals by the Royal Statistical Society.
2023-02-25 21:32:29 3.2MB Functional Analysis
学习熊猫-第二版 这是出版的的代码库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 您将学习如何使用熊猫在Python中执行数据分析。 您将首先概述数据分析,并逐步进行建模数据,从远程源访问数据,执行数字和统计分析,通过建立索引和执行汇总分析,最后到可视化统计数据并将熊猫应用于金融。 借助从本书中学到的知识,您将快速学习熊猫,以及熊猫如何在令人兴奋的数据处理,分析和科学世界中为您提供支持。 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 每个文件夹均以数字开头,后跟应用程序名称。 例如,Chapter02。 代码如下所示:文本中的代码字如下所示: "This information can be easily imported into DataFrame using the pd.read_csv() function as follows." 在Python解释器中
2023-02-22 18:16:53 4.13MB JupyterNotebook
这本书其实应该算是3D Game Engine Architecture Engineering的第二版,因为Architecture是以wild magic3.0来讲的,而Design 2nd是针对4.0。由于3.0是针对fixed function来设计的,所以当你以shader为基础来设计引擎时,3.0里的设计思路会严重的误导你!!另外和Architecture相比,Design 2nd的内容也更加丰满,删除了原来很多太过基础和琐碎的东西,新增了很多碰撞检测方面的章节。可以说这本书是3d游戏引擎书籍中的佼佼者。
2023-02-18 17:42:08 9.64MB graphics engine game 3D
代码纠错的艺术[第二版本]--The Art of Error Correcting Coding Second.pdf,仅书名就一切尽在不言中了。
2023-02-07 17:01:44 2.72MB 代码纠错
2023-02-02 10:54:59 6MB Parallel Computing,并行计算
Kali Linux Web渗透测试手册-第二版 这是Packt发行的《 》的代码库。 发现最常见的Web漏洞,并防止它们成为对您网站安全的威胁 这本书是关于什么的? Web应用程序是恶意黑客的巨大攻击点,也是安全专业人员和渗透测试人员锁定和保护的关键区域。 Kali Linux是基于Linux的渗透测试平台,提供了广泛的测试工具,其中许多可用于执行Web渗透测试。 本书涵盖以下激动人心的功能: 建立安全的渗透测试实验室 使用代理,爬虫和蜘蛛调查整个网站 识别跨站点脚本和客户端漏洞 利用漏洞允许将代码插入Web应用程序 利用需要复杂设置的漏洞 如果您觉得这本书适合您,请立即获取! 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 例如,Chapter02。 该代码将如下所示: <html> [removed] function submit_form() { document.get
2023-01-09 13:32:08 11KB HTML
Next Generation Wireless LANs80211nAnd80211ac
2023-01-08 13:41:30 3.6MB Next Generation Wireless LANs