在行为VHDL中描述支持以下MIPS ISA子集(即11条指令)的MIPS控制单元(CU)
a) 7 Arithmetic/Logical instructions: add, sub, and, or, nor, slt, addi
b) 2 Memory reference: lw, sw
c) 2 Control transfer: beq, j
所需的MIPS CU的功能,接口和结构如图1所示。CU具有以下接口:
• Generics
- Instruction width (n_bits_instr = instr_mem_width with default value of 32)
- Location of the operation (OP) code least significant bit in the instruction (opcode_start with default value of 26)
- Location of the operation (OP) code most significant bit in the instruction (opcode_end with default value of 31)
- Location of the function (funct) code least significant bit in the instruction (funct_start with default value of 0)
- Location of the function (funct) code most significant bit in the instruction (funct_end with default value of 5)
- Total number of supported ALU operations/functions (n_functions_alu with default value of 16)
• Inputs
- Instruction fetched (Instr -> n_bits_instr bits)
• Outputs
- Register destination (RegDst -> 1 bit)
- Register write enable (RegWrite -> 1 bit)
- ALU source (ALUSrc -> 1 bit)
- ALU control (ALUControl -> [log2 (n_functions_alu)] bits)
- Memory write enable (MemWrite -> 1 bit)
- Memory read enable (MemRead -> 1 bit)
- Memory to register (MemToReg -> 1 bit)
- Conditional branch on equal (BEQ -> 1 bit)
- Unconditional branch (J -> 1 bit)
• In Vivado
- Create a blank project
- Add design and simulation source files
- Run behavioral simulation
- Your waveform configuration should be identical to the provided waveform snapshot, see Figure 2.
在结构和行为VHDL中描述MIPS处理器的单周期(非流水线)版本,该版本支持以下MIPS ISA子集(即11条指令):
a) 7 Arithmetic/Logical instructions: add, sub, and, or, nor, slt, addi
b) 2 Memory reference: lw, sw
c) 2 Control transfer: beq, j
• Inputs
- Clock (clk -> 1 bit)
- Asynchronous reset for processor initialization and for mimicking program load (rst -> 1 bit)
• In Vivado
- Create a blank project
- Add design and simulation source files
- Run behavioral simulation
- Your waveform configuration should be identical to the provided waveform snapshots, see Figure 3.
---Data Memory (Single-Ported Read/Write memory)---
• Generics
- Data memory size/depth (data_mem_depth with default value of 117 locations)
- Data memory width (data_mem_width with default value of 32 bits)
• Inputs
- Clock (clk -> 1 bit)
- Asynchronous reset (rst -> 1 bit)
- Memory write enable (MemWrite -> 1 bit)
1 -> enable writing to data memory,
0 -> disable writing to data memory
- Address for read/write operand (A -> n_bits_address bits = 32 bits)
- Write Data for write operand (WD -> data_mem_width bits)
• Outputs
- Read Data for read operand (RD -> data_mem_width bits)
• In Vivado
- Create a blank project
- Add design and simulation source files
- Run behavioral simulation
- Your waveform configuration should be identical to the provided waveform snapshot, see Figure 2
---Instruction Memory (Single-Ported Read-Only Memory)---
• Generics
- Instruction memory size/depth (instr_mem_depth with default value of 39 locations)
- Instruction memory width (instr_mem_width with default value of 32 bits)
• Inputs
- Asynchronous reset for mimicking program load (rst -> 1 bit)
- Address for instruction read (A -> n_bits_address bits = 32 bits)
• Outputs
- Instruction fetched (Instr -> instr_mem_width bits)
• In Vivado
- Create a blank project
- Add design and simulation source files
- Run behavioral simulation
- Your waveform configuration should be identical to the provided waveform snapshot, see Figure 2.
在行为VHDL中(使用2个并发进程)描述MIPS ALU,该MIPS ALU支持带符号算术和最多16个操作/功能,如图1所示。ALU具有以下接口:
• Generics
- ALU data bits (n_bits_alu with default value of 32 bits)
- Total number of supported operations/functions (n_functions_alu with default value of 16 functions)
• Inputs
- First input operand (A -> n_bits_alu bits = 32 bits)
- Second input operand (B -> n_bits_alu bits = 32 bits)
- ALU control (ALUControl -> [log2 (n_functions_alu)] bits)
• Outputs
- Result output operand (C -> n_bits_alu bits = 32 bits)
- Zero flag (zero -> 1 bit)
- Overflow flag (overflow -> 1 bit)
• In Vivado
- Create a blank project
- Add design and simulation source files
- Run behavioral simulation
- Your waveform configuration should be identical to the provided waveform snapshot, see Figure 2.