The code is a Python tutorial for Selective Search using OpenCV 3.3.
2020-01-03 11:34:10 3KB 区域候选算法 Selective Se Python
网上参照过别人的SearchLookUpEdit 多选,但是代码不全,零零散散,经过2个星期代码编写,测试,整理出了SearchLookUpEdit 多选功能实现的代码. 过程不易.代码量虽然只有200多行,但是经过几个版本的优化,性能完美. 望参与的同仁有更好的优化方法可以贴出来交流.
2020-01-03 11:23:26 9KB Search Search DevExp 多选
禁忌搜索算法代码, 方便学习,实用、灵活 对学习有帮助
2019-12-21 22:25:31 14KB 禁忌搜索
GSO群搜索优化算法(Group Search Optimizer)以及它的一个改进算法SGSO算法(Simplified Group Search Optimizer Algorithm),可用于高维优化问题.
2019-12-21 22:19:21 1.11MB GSO
search and replace 6.7 破解汉化版,内附说明,亲测可以使用,希望对你有帮助。
2019-12-21 22:13:32 3.87MB search and replace 6.7
An example to apply tabu search to find optimal routes for TSP prblem
2019-12-21 21:56:06 21KB Tabu Search matlab tsp
For many computer vision problems, the most time consuming component consists of nearest neighbor matching in high-dimensional spaces. There are no known exact algorithms for solving these high-dimensional problems that are faster than linear search. Approximate algorithms are known to provide large speedups with only minor loss in accuracy, but many such algorithms have been published with only minimal guidance on selecting an algorithm and its parameters for any given problem. In this paper, we describe a system that answers the question, “What is the fastest approximate nearest-neighbor algorithm for my data? ” Our system will take any given dataset and desired degree of precision and use these to automatically determine the best algorithm and parameter values. We also describe a new algorithm that applies priority search on hierarchical k-means trees, which we have found to provide the best known performance on many datasets. After testing a range of alternatives, we have found that multiple randomized k-d trees provide the best performance for other datasets. We are releasing public domain code that implements these approaches. This library provides about one order of magnitude improvement in query time over the best previously available software and provides fully automated parameter selection.
2019-12-21 21:54:02 380KB nearest-neighbors search randomized kd-trees
2019-12-21 21:17:54 5.31MB 搜索,算法
如果说 Actual Search & Replace 堪称文件内容替换工具中的 “屠龙刀”的话,那么,Search and Replace 则堪称文件内容搜索 工具中的“倚天剑”。它不仅可以在任何文件中搜索,甚至可以以 二进制或脚本方式搜索,在 ZIP 文件中搜索,可以以文本或网页方式 显示搜索结果,批量替换文件时间属性...总之,如果你要对文件内容 进行批处理搜索或替换的话,建议常备 Search and Replace 以及 Actual Search & Replace 这两个“倚天剑” 和 “屠龙刀”。个人认为,Search and Replace 侧重于搜索方面,Actual Search & Replace 侧重于替换方面,对于网站站长以及电子书制作者等来说,绝对是不可多得的利器! 注: Search and Replace 新版增加了文件夹及文件右键菜单功能,使用更加方便。
2019-12-21 21:17:49 1.51MB Search and Replace 6.4
spring spingmvc 集成elasticSearch 5.5.x版本 ,基本的增删改查.完成
2019-12-21 21:15:32 6.8MB elastic search spring mvc