2021-07-04 09:01:16 10.31MB 安卓
三星p355c recovery
2021-07-02 17:00:49 13.17MB 智通云
raid恢复软件 Getway Raid Recovery 2.0 Thank you for using Getway Raid Recovery 2.0! Content ================================ 1. Introduction 2. Feature 3. Registration 4. System Requirement 5. Contact *********************************************************************** 1. Introduction Getway Raid Recovery Software can help you recover data due to the following possible data loss situations: File Deletion; Accidental Array Format; MBR damage/ loss/ excursion; DBR damage; One or two RAID hard disk damage, etc. Getway Raid Recovery Software support "Smart Mode", "Manual Mode" and " User-defined Mode" working modes. 2. Feature * Smart Mode: Smart Mode can help user recovery the RAID easily, quickly and conveniently, even though the user doesn’t have the technical knowledge on RAID recovery. User doesn’t need to know the RAID Parameters, such as Stripe Size, Drive Offset, Direction of Rotation, Drive Order, etc. Getway RAID Recovery will help you analyze the drives and work out all details of the parameters. * Manual Mode: Select the "Manual Mode", you should know all details of the RAID, and also you should correctly set up all the parameters, such as Stripe Size; Drive Order; Drive Offset; RAID Type, etc. In general, we just recommend the "Manual Mode" to the professional user, and also we don’t suggest user directly use the "Manual Mode". We suggest user use the "Manual Mode" to analysis the RAID when he can’t get the data by the "Smart Mode", or the RAID type is special, or encounter the file system which can’t be supported by the system. * User-defined Mode: "User-defined Mode" is the powerful complementarity to the RAID Type which can’t be supported by the system. User can set up the RAID Type, the serial number on every strip, thus it can increase the flexibility of the system. * Files View: User can directly view the partition data by the "Files View". User can intuitionistic know the Smart Mode result /manual set parameters is right or not
2021-07-01 09:00:33 639KB raid
一加8最新 recovery,可直接卡刷
2021-06-30 13:00:46 68.02MB oneplus recovery
HTC ONE M8 recovery
2021-06-30 09:00:52 21.44MB 卡刷recovery
数据误删除恢复、格式化恢复,超级硬盘数据恢复super recovery
2021-06-29 22:07:24 2.64MB 数据恢复 恢复 数据
2021-06-28 13:01:04 11.49MB oppo
A Review on Object Pose Recovery from.pdf
2021-06-28 11:07:32 3.68MB 3D
软件介绍: 小米5 TWRP最新小米5一键刷入recovery工具TWRP-3.2.3,支持自动解密data,帮助你更好的刷机,救砖等。支持开机状态刷入和fastboot模式刷入,请先将手机处于开机状态或者fastboot模式。请您将手机正确连接到电脑:请确保:1.手机bootloader未锁2.手机处于开机状态3.手机开启USB调试4.电脑上已经正确安装驱动5.手机提示USB调试授权时勾选始终点击授权
2021-06-26 00:21:30 22.59MB 其他资源
小米Recovery线刷工具是一款主要能随意刷Recovery的手机工具。   测试机型:小米2S标准版 (发布仓促,仅测试了自定义线刷跟线刷合集里的 官方2/2S Recovery 2.0.1 按钮,都通过,不知道会不会出现刷机包搞混的情况,有的话告诉我,请多多原谅。主程序在XP下测试通过。   测试发现,如果没有连接手机或者没在FastBoot模式下,程序是会卡的。手机连接正确的话,只要是正确的线刷包,三秒内都能刷成功 。 本人能力有限,技术参考还是从百度找的,不知道怎么检测手机是否进入FastBoot所以没有连接手机就线刷的话主程序会卡住,有技术参考的 麻烦给我。   使用方法:数据线连接手机跟电脑,进入FastBoot线刷模式,然后选择 自定义  还是 线刷合集,如果是自定义的,请先选择 Recovery 线刷包,一般格式为 .IMG格式,然后点击 开始 按钮,然后等待线刷完成。选择 线刷合集,连接好手机后,点击 其中的 按钮 ,就开始线刷了。
2021-06-21 15:24:20 21.03MB 应用软件-手机软件