Pyramid_Scale_Network 这是PyTorch版本的“ repo”版本库,“利用多列架构在人群计数中的潜力”,它提供了用于人群计数任务的最先进,直接且端到端的体系结构。 我们还建议另一项有关人群计数的工作(),已被ECAI2020接受。 数据集 上海科技数据集 先决条件 我们强烈建议Anaconda作为环境。 的Python:3.6 PyTorch的:1.5.0 培训与测试 1,python生成基本事实。 ShanghaiTech数据集应放在“数据集”目录中。 2,python火车模型3,python测试模型 结果 partA:MAE 55.5 MSE 90.1 B部分:MAE 6.8 MSE 10.7
Nmap, or Network Mapper, is a free, open source tool that is available under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is most often used by network administrators and IT security professionals to scan corporate networks, looking for live hosts, specific services, or specific operating systems. Part of the beauty of Nmap is its ability to create IP packets from scratch and send them out utilizing unique methodologies to perform the above-mentioned types of scans and more. This book provides comprehensive coverage of all Nmap features, including detailed, real-world case studies. . Understand Network Scanning Master networking and protocol fundamentals, network scanning techniques, common network scanning tools, along with network scanning and policies. . Get Inside Nmap Use Nmap in the enterprise, secure Nmap, optimize Nmap, and master advanced Nmap scanning techniques. . Install, Configure, and Optimize Nmap Deploy Nmap on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and install from source. . Take Control of Nmap with the Zenmap GUI Run Zenmap, manage Zenmap scans, build commands with the Zenmap command wizard, manage Zenmap profiles, and manage Zenmap results. . Run Nmap in the Enterprise Start Nmap scanning, discover hosts, port scan, detecting operating systems, and detect service and application versions . Raise those Fingerprints Understand the mechanics of Nmap OS fingerprinting, Nmap OS fingerprint scan as an administrative tool, and detect and evade the OS fingerprint scan. . "Tool" around with Nmap Learn about Nmap add-on and helper tools: NDiff--Nmap diff, RNmap--Remote Nmap, Bilbo, Nmap-parser. . Analyze Real-World Nmap Scans Follow along with the authors to analyze real-world Nmap scans. . Master Advanced Nmap Scanning Techniques Torque Nmap for TCP scan flags customization, packet fragmentation, IP and MAC address spoofing, adding decoy scan source IP addresses, add random data to sent packets, manipulate time-to-live fields, and send packets with bogus TCP or UDP checksums.
2022-03-23 18:11:46 4.64MB nmap enterprise Network Scanning
matlab 2011 Neural Network Toolbox User's Guide,是matlab 2011神经网络工具箱的详细使用说明
2022-03-23 16:29:30 2.27MB matlab neural network toolbox
Net2Vis :check_mark_button: 自动网络可视化 :check_mark_button: 抽象级别 :check_mark_button: 统一设计 由 , 和。 可访问。 这是什么? Net2Vis从Keras代码自动为卷积神经网络生成抽象可视化。 这对我有什么帮助? 当查看使用神经网络技术的出版物时,仍然很明显它们之间的区别。 它们大多数是手工制作的,因此缺乏统一的视觉语法。 手工制作这种可视化效果还会造成歧义和误解。 有了Net2Vis,这些问题就解决了。 它旨在提供抽象的网络可视化效果,同时仍提供有关各个层的常规信息。 我们在字形设计中反映了特征的数量以及张量的空间分辨率。 可以通过颜色识别图层类型。 由于这些网络可能变得相当复杂,因此我们增加了对层进行分组的可能性,从而通过替换公共层序列来压缩网络。 最好的是:一旦应用程序运行,您只需要将Keras代码粘贴到浏览器中,并根据该代码自动生成可视化。 您仍然可以调整可视化效果并创建抽象,然后再将其下载
随着信息技术的飞速发展和信息的广泛应用,社交网络正变得越来越方便和快捷地用于信息发布和获取。 预测主题受欢迎程度对于在线推荐系统,营销服务和舆论控制非常重要。 在本文中,我们借助时间序列分析方法预测主题的受欢迎程度,验证了ARMA模型在主题受欢迎程度预测中的有效性。
2022-03-22 14:49:27 515KB Social network; ARMA model;
Denoise Convolutional neural network(DnCNN)代码的tensorflow实现,内含完整代码,可以直接使用
2022-03-22 13:03:15 16.11MB DnCNN TF
2022-03-20 14:15:56 3.39MB Boost.Asio
2022-03-18 18:34:52 4.9MB 排队论
2022-03-17 20:43:59 16.88MB network 网络
国外经典教材Computer network 4th,Andrew Tanenbaum课后习题答案。希望对学习计算机网络的同学,特别是那些出国深造的同学有所帮助。
2022-03-17 09:35:17 292KB computer network-4th Andrew