KMV的MATLAB的代码 KMV-model KMV model in R
2022-02-24 21:43:06 940B 系统开源
WPF应用程序和Model-View-ViewModel设计模式 WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern 示例代码VB版
2022-02-24 21:35:58 1.75MB WPF Model-View-ViewModel MVVM 设计模式
2022-02-24 15:10:19 3.91MB spin model checker
We develop a system for 3D object retrieval based on sketched fea- ture lines as input. For objective evaluation, we collect a large number of query sketches from human users that are related to an existing data base of objects. The sketches turn out to be gener- ally quite abstract with large local and global deviations from the original shape. Based on this observation, we decide to use a bag- of-features approach over computer generated line drawings of the objects. We develop a targeted feature transform based on Gabor fil- ters for this system. We can show objectively that this transform is better suited than other approaches from the literature developed for similar tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate how to optimize the pa- rameters of our, as well as other approaches, based on the gathered sketches. In the resulting comparison, our approach is significantly better than any other system described so far.
2022-02-24 11:42:15 3.99MB sketch-based 3d model retrival
针对具有避免冲突的多智能体系统的跟踪和形成问题,提出了一种同步分布式模型预测控制算法。 我们考虑所有智能体的确定性,线性,时不变和齐次动力学。 在同步DMPC中,所有代理都利用邻居的假定预测信息同步解决其优化问题,以获得当前的最佳输入。 考虑到每个代理的假设和实际预测信息之间存在不确定的偏差,我们有助于设计一个与偏差有关的避免碰撞约束,该约束被施加在单个优化问题中,以确保每个代理的安全性。 我们通过设计二范数形式的时变相容性约束来约束不确定性偏差,该约束被施加在个体优化问题中,在避免碰撞和指数稳定性方面都起着重要作用。 通过所提出的算法,证明了递归可行性,指数稳定性和避免碰撞的保证。 提供了一个仿真示例,以说明此方法的实用性和有效性。
2022-02-24 00:12:32 857KB distributed model predictive control
Model selection and estimation in regression with grouped variables
2022-02-23 14:14:33 208KB lasso lars 机器学习
FANUC Series 0i-MODEL F图形化简介
2022-02-23 08:21:36 3.91MB 数控机床
商汤开源最大目标跟踪库PySOT,PySOT Model Zoo中七个模型,包括siammask_r50_l3,siamrpn_alex_dwxcorr,siamrpn_alex_dwxcorr_otb,siamrpn_mobilev2_l234_dwxcorr,siamrpn_r50_l234_dwxcorr,siamrpn_r50_l234_dwxcorr_lt,siamrpn_r50_l234_dwxcorr_otb。由于资源过大,只能提供百度云链接,链接失效私聊。
2022-02-22 15:44:07 70B pysot tracking SenseTime SiamRPN
dccnet 预训练模型 best_dccnet.pth.tar
2022-02-22 14:02:48 128.92MB model