ISO国际标准 26262 2011版 国际标准ISO/SAE 21434(道路车辆-网络安全工程)规定车辆在整个生命周期(包括概念、开发、生产、操作、维护和报废)网络安全风险的管理要求,使汽车生命周期的各个阶段提升安全保障。该标准为网络安全的工程开发和管理流程提供了一个框架,使车辆制造商和供应商能够使用通用的语言交流网络安全要求,同时不对技术解决方案施加限制。
2021-06-04 19:00:15 31.16MB ISO标准 车规 信息安全
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2021-06-04 10:11:40 1.95MB JavaScript jQuery
2021-05-31 09:03:42 4KB java
Head First HTML&CSS第二版源代码
2021-05-30 18:33:53 17.68MB HTML Headfirst
2021-05-19 15:59:32 176.09MB head first
Networks are everywhere: networks of friends, transportation networks and the Web. Neurons in our brains and proteins within our bodies form networks that determine our intelligence and survival. This modern, accessible textbook introduces the basics of network science for a wide range of job sectors from management to marketing, from biology to engineering, and from neuroscience to the social sciences. Students will develop important, practical skills and learn to write code for using networks in their areas of interest - even as they are just learning to program with Python. Extensive sets of tutorials and homework problems provide plenty of hands-on practice and longer programming tutorials online further enhance students' programming skills. This intuitive and direct approach makes the book ideal for a first course, aimed at a wide audience without a strong background in mathematics or computing but with a desire to learn the fundamentals and applications of network science.
2021-05-18 18:28:18 5.13MB 社会网络
First Order Model (512x512 pixels)模型文件 ——
2021-05-18 16:06:42 695.1MB FirstOrderMode
详情见本人博客文章“python | 编译原理,语法分析——LL(1)文法实现 上” 详情见本人博客文章“python | 编译原理,语法分析——LL(1)文法实现 上” 详情见本人博客文章“python | 编译原理,语法分析——LL(1)文法实现 上”
2021-05-18 10:47:42 2KB 编译原理 语法分析
Head First HTML与CSS、XHTML(中文版)+源码 高清PDF,入门书籍
2021-05-14 15:42:58 168.4MB Head First HTML
java 编译原理 ll1 文法分析 first follow select 集的 求解
2021-05-13 15:59:30 28KB java 编译原理 ll1 文法分析