Title: Speech Enhancement: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition Author: Philipos C. Loizou Length: 711 pages Edition: 2 Language: English Publisher: CRC Press Publication Date: 2013-02-25 ISBN-10: 1466504218 ISBN-13: 9781466504219 With the proliferation of mobile devices and hearing devices, including hearing aids and cochlear implants, there is a growing and pressing need to design algorithms that can improve speech intelligibility without sacrificing quality. Responding to this need, Speech Enhancement: Theory and Practice, Second Edition introduces readers to the basic problems of speech enhancement and the various algorithms proposed to solve these problems. Updated and expanded, this second edition of the bestselling textbook broadens its scope to include evaluation measures and enhancement algorithms aimed at improving speech intelligibility. Fundamentals, Algorithms, Evaluation, and Future Steps Organized into four parts, the book begins with a review of the fundamentals needed to understand and design better speech enhancement algorithms. The second part describes all the major enhancement algorithms and, because these require an estimate of the noise spectrum, also covers noise estimation algorithms. The third part of the book looks at the measures used to assess the performance, in terms of speech quality and intelligibility, of speech enhancement methods. It also evaluates and compares several of the algorithms. The fourth part presents binary mask algorithms for improving speech intelligibility under ideal conditions. In addition, it suggests steps that can be taken to realize the full potential of these algorithms under realistic conditions. What’s New in This Edition Updates in every chapter A new chapter on objective speech intelligibility measures A new chapter on algorithms for improving speech intelligibility Real-world noise recordings (on accompanying CD) MATLAB® code for the implementation of intelligibility measures (on accompanying CD) MATLAB and C/C++ code for the implementation of algorithms to improve speech intelligibility (on accompanying CD) Valuable Insights from a Pioneer in Speech Enhancement Clear and concise, this book explores how human listeners compensate for acoustic noise in noisy environments. Written by a pioneer in speech enhancement and noise reduction in cochlear implants, it is an essential resource for anyone who wants to implement or incorporate the latest speech enhancement algorithms to improve the quality and intelligibility of speech degraded by noise. Includes a CD with Code and Recordings The accompanying CD provides MATLAB implementations of representative speech enhancement algorithms as well as speech and noise databases for the evaluation of enhancement algorithms. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Discrete-Time Signal Processing and Short-Time Fourier Analysis Chapter 3 Speech Production and Perception Chapter 4 Noise Compensation by Human Listeners Chapter 5 Spectral-Subtractive Algorithms Chapter 6 Wiener Filtering Chapter 7 Statistical-Model-Based Methods Chapter 8 Subspace Algorithms Chapter 9 Noise-Estimation Algorithms Chapter 10 Evaluating Performance of Speech Enhancement Algorithms Chapter 11 Objective Quality and Intelligibility Measures Chapter 12 Comparison of Speech Enhancement Algorithms Chapter 13 Algorithms That Can Improve Speech Intelligibility Appendix A: Special Functions and Integrals Appendix B: Derivation of the MMSE Estimator Appendix C: MATLAB ® Code and Speech/Noise Databases
2022-07-17 22:40:55 17.51MB Speech Enhancement
中文翻译Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition 1.1节 线性组合在这个学科中非常重要!有时我们想要一个特定的组合,具体选择 c = 2 和 d = 1 来产 生 cv + dw = (4, 5)。其它时候我们想要 v 与 u 的所有组合(来自所有的 c 与 d)。 向量 cv 沿一条直线放置。当 w 不在那条直线上时,组合 cv + dw 充满整个二维平面。从四维空 间中的 4 个向量 u, v, w, z 开始,它们的组合 cu + dv + ew + fz 可能充满整个空间——但并不总是 这样。向量和它们的组合可能位于一个平面上或一条直线上。 第 1 章解释了这些中心思想,一切都建立在这些思想上。我们从能够合理绘制的二维向量与三维 向量开始。然后我们移入更高的维度。线性代数真正令人印象深刻的特点是如何流畅地将这一步引入 n 维空间。即使不可能画出十维的向量,你脑海中的画面也会保持是正确的。 这是本书将要通往的地方(进入 n 维空间)。第一步是 1.1 节和 1.2 节的运算。然后是在 1.3 节概 述了 3 个基本思想。
2022-07-14 16:08:55 859KB 线性代数 数学
中文翻译Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition 8.3节 1 使用新输入基 Bin 与新输出基 Bout,每个矩阵 A 变成 B −1 out ABin。 2 Bin = Bout =“A 的广义特征向量”得出若尔当型 J = B−1AB。 3 傅里叶矩阵 F = Bin = Bout 将每个循环矩阵对角化(利用 FFT)。 4 正弦与余弦,勒让德与切比雪夫多项式:这些都是函数空间很好的基。 这是本书重要的一节。我担心大多数读者会跳过他——或读不到这里。前几章通过解释基底的概念做 了铺垫。第 6 章介绍了特征向量 x 以及第 7 章找出了奇异向量 v 与 u。这两个是赢家,但其它许多选 择是很有价值的。 首先是 8.2 节的纯代数,然后是优良基。输入基向量将是 Bin 的列。输出基向量将是 Bout 的列。 Bin 和 Bout 总是可逆的——基向量均无关! 纯代数 若 A 是变换 T 在标准基下的矩阵,则 B−1 out ABin是在新基下的矩阵。 (1) 标准基向量为单位矩阵的列:Bin = In×n 与 Bout = Im×m。现在
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Optimization of Power System Operation applies the latest applications of new technologies to power system operation and analysis, including several new and important areas that are not covered in existing books: uncertainty analysis in power systems; steady-state security region analysis; optimal load shedding; and optimal reconfiguration of electric distribution networks. The book covers both traditional and modern technologies, including power flow analysis, steady-state security region analysis, security constrained economic dispatch, multi-area system economic dispatch, unit commitment, optimal power flow, smart grid operation, optimal load shed, optimal reconfiguration of distribution network, power system uncertainty analysis, power system sensitivity analysis, analytic hierarchical process, neural network, fuzzy theory, genetic algorithm, evolutionary programming, and particle swarm optimization, among others. New topics such as the wheeling model, multi-area wheeling, the total transfer capability computation in multiple areas, are also addressed. The application of renewable energy and operation of smart grid is also included in the book
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最新第4版 The progression of 3 years between 1st and 2nd, 6 between 2nd and 3rd, and 10 between 3rd and 4th is a reflection not so much of the length of time it takes for each new edition (which has indeed steadily increased), but rather how long it takes us to forget all the stress and pain involved in making a new edition. As a data point, our Google Doc of new references since the last edition is around 170 pages long, and does not include references we could easily dismiss, nor those we ran into later when more closely reading and writing. Each page has about 20 references on it (some duplicated among chapters), about 3200 in all. In the fourth edition we added “only” 1151 new references, and deleted 508 older ones, for a final total of 2059 references (this does not include references on collision detection – more on that in a minute).
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电子学 习题解答 The Art Of Electronics -2nd Edition"
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