书籍 Wireless Communications 、作者 Andrea Goldsmith 、电子档、且有简要中文笔记,可供各位读者参考学习
2021-11-19 15:22:53 3.96MB 无线通信 基础与原理
超宽带 无线通信 国外经典教材 Edited by Huseyin Arslan Zhi Ning Chen 2006
2021-11-19 13:26:55 8.99MB 超宽带 无线通信 国外经典教材
2021-11-17 01:51:59 199KB 无线通信技术
无线工程团队应用的 MATLAB?,通过加速从全系统的仿真到硬件实现的算法开发,以缩短开发周期。工程人员节省时间和减少流程步骤的方法有:验证算法概念:通过仿真和空中传输测试探索和优化系统行为:借助包括数字、RF、天线元件在内的各种模型消除设计问题后,再转移到实现阶段流式测试和验证: 借助 MATLAB 和 Simulink? 测试工具自动生成HDL或C代码,用于原型和实现重用模型:以加快设计迭代以及新一代项目的进度团队称,整体开发时间节省了 30%,功能验证时间节省了 85%,重新设计的情况显著减少,且开创了首次尝试便无缺陷地实现 FPGA 和 ASIC 的先例。使用MATLAB进行无线通信设
2021-11-13 15:31:00 178KB 使用MATLAB进行无线通信设计
博客地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41082281/article/details/110879309 采用端到端训练方案,神经网络的输入为接受信号Y(包含导频符号和数据符号),输出为解调后的估计信号,其中对于输入的导频部分我们做了一些处理,只保留了插入导频子载波位置的接收信号,对于32导频的就是每8个子载波插入一个导频,由于错开半个导频间隔的位置,因此在接收端每隔4个子载波提取一个导频,其他位置视作噪声丢弃可以减少无用噪声的影响。
2021-11-12 20:57:38 54.28MB 通信原理 深度学习
2021-11-12 15:46:35 6.88MB matlab软件无线电
2021-11-11 23:16:05 982KB nrf
无线通信类不错的学习材料 This book has grown out of my teaching and research at the University of Surrey and out of my previous experiences in companies such as Philips, Ascom and Motorola. It is primarily intended for use by students in master’s level and enhanced final-year undergraduate courses who are specialising in communication systems and wish to understand the principles and current practices of the wireless communication channel, including both antenna and propagation aspects. I have therefore included examples and problems in each chapter to reinforce the material described and to show how they are applied in specific situations. Additionally, much of the material has been used as parts of short courses run for many of the leading industrial companies in the field, so I hope that it may also be of interest to those who have a professional interest in the subject. Although there are several excellent books which cover portions of this material and which go deeper in some areas, my main motivation has been to create a book which covers the range of disciplines, from electromagnetics to statistics, which are necessary in order to understand the implications of the wireless channel on system performance. I have also attempted to bring together reference material which is useful in this field into a single, accessible volume, including a few previously unpublished research results.
2021-11-11 07:15:50 13.72MB 无线通信 传播
2021-11-09 23:43:17 23.48MB MIMO OFDM MATLAB实现