(中文版)Introduction to lens design with practical ZEMAX examples-CN.480(ZEMAX中文使用手册2010年2月版)
2019-12-21 20:33:08 14.18MB guang xue
2019-12-21 20:26:25 17.68MB R统计语言 GGobi 数据分析
Wave-optics simulation is an immensely useful tool for many applications. The simulation techniques in this book are directly applicable to atmospheric imaging, astronomy, adaptive optics, free-space optical communications, and LADAR. In addition, many of the basic techniques are applicable to integrated optics and nonlinear, anisotropic, and optically active media. Numerical Simulation of Optical Wave Propagation is solely dedicated to wave-optics simulations. The book discusses digital Fourier transforms (FT), FT-based operations, multiple methods of wave-optics simulations, sampling requirements, and simulations in atmospheric turbulence. This book will benefit optical scientists and engineers at all levels as a guide for FT-based data analysis, imaging system analysis, and wave-optics simulations. Professors can use this book to augment their Fourier optics courses and for independent studies with students. Problem sets are given at the end of each chapter. Students will learn principles and techniques from this book that can be utilized throughout their careers in optics.
2019-12-21 20:25:01 2.09MB Optical Wave Propagation Matlab
Graph Algorithms by Mark Needham and Amy E. Hodler Copyright © 2019 Amy Hodler and Mark Needham. All rights reserved. What’s in This Book This book is a practical guide to getting started with graph algorithms for developers and data scientists who have experience using Apache Spark™ or Neo4j. Although our algorithm examples utilize the Spark and Neo4j platforms, this book will also be helpful for understanding more general graph concepts, regardless of your choice of graph technologies. The first two chapters provide an introduction to graph analytics, algorithms, and theory. The third chapter briefly covers the platforms used in this book before we dive into three chapters focusing on classic graph algorithms: pathfinding, centrality, and community detection. We wrap up the book with two chapters showing how graph algorithms are used within workflows: one for general analysis and one for machine learning. At the beginning of each category of algorithms, there is a reference table to help you quickly jump to the relevant algorithm. For each algorithm, you’ll find: • An explanation of what the algorithm does • Use cases for the algorithm and references to where you can learn more • Example code providing concrete ways to use the algorithm in Spark, Neo4j, or both 图方法方面最新的参考书,本文理论实践兼备(看标题就知道了),内容高清无码书签完整诚不我欺,强烈推荐给需要的朋友!
2019-12-21 20:24:10 10.86MB Graph Algorithm Apache Spark
Probability: Theory and Examples,by Durrent,概率论专业经典教材。答案很少见,特意贡献~~~ 教材电子版已更新至第四版,可以在Durrent‘s homepage下载~!
2019-12-21 20:08:10 987KB Probability: Theory and Examples
Durret的概率论第五版 Cambridge University Press 的正式版本,2019年的新书,概率论学习必备。
2019-12-21 19:40:38 2.96MB Probability Statistics
2019-12-21 19:22:37 16.41MB FPGA Verilog Examples 经典的FPGA资料
2019-12-21 18:52:42 23.7MB qwt examples qwt.dll
2019-12-21 18:51:08 139.53MB Kinect插件
该书是Joseph M. Geary 即将退休之作,集其毕生科研实 践之精华,Geary 是美国Alabama 大学著名的光学研究中心 的教授,SPIE 的Fellow,从事镜头设计四十余年,有着丰富 的镜头设计经验,阅读该书就是您与大师对话,亲身聆听教诲 的机会。本书来自于Huntsville市Alabama大学应用光学研究中心光学工程专业博士生的学位课。虽然有很多设计各种镜头方面的专著和论文集,但在教这门课开始的时候,令我十分沮丧和失望的是,我无法找到一本好的镜头设计方面的教材。还没有人针对学生学习(或教师)思路来编写教材,因此希望本书在镜头设计教学方法上迈出一步。它就像我最初打算的一样,现代镜头设计教材不可能完全脱离可利用的商业光学设计软件,因此考虑几个原因(如界面友好和高性价比等),作者选择了ZEMAX。
2019-12-21 18:51:05 35.93MB Zemax BOOK Lens design