mc9s12dp256 CCP EEPROM 利用vector提供的驱动实现 CCP 下位机 SLAVER 附带标准CCPdriver 文件 PCAN上位机 MASTER
2021-02-24 10:05:54 2.46MB mc9s12dp256 CCP EEPROM
2021-02-22 22:02:24 20.69MB AUTOSAR VECTOR
2021-02-22 22:02:23 77.22MB AUTOIsar VECTOR
This paper takes the p-adic representation of integers as the research object to realize the distance measurement of integers in the p-adic metric space. The authors firstly apply the Euclidean algorithm to infer the coefficients of a positive integer in polynomial representation, whose corresponding negative integer can be obtained with the help of the similar solution method of binary complement; secondly, the coefficients are respectively mapped into from mod p to mod the n-th power of p laye
2021-02-22 09:07:45 393KB distance measure; p-adic; metric
By applying support vector regression, the modeling data of rice leaves collected in our study were grouped into sample training set and test set, and three machine learning prediction models on rice growing environment against leaf blade length, width and SPAD value were constructed..
2021-02-22 09:07:43 1.73MB Rice leaf physiological ecology
We present the generation of the nanosecond cylindrical vector beams (CVBs) in a two-mode fiber (TMF) and its applications of stimulated Raman scattering. The nanosecond (1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz) CVBs have been directly produced with mode conversion efficiency of ~18 dB (98.4%) via an acoustically ind
2021-02-21 19:10:00 1.48MB
A novel scheme of photonic aided vector millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signal generation without a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is proposed. Based on our scheme, a 20 Gb/s 4-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (4-QAM) mm-wave signal is generated without using a DAC. The experiment results demonstrat
2021-02-21 19:09:39 551KB
Support vector machines based defect recognition in SonicIR using 2D heat diffusion features
2021-02-21 09:07:49 992KB 研究论文
2021-02-19 14:12:55 52.56MB VectorCAST Vector 代码测试
Magnetic Resonance Brain Image Classification via Stationary Wavelet Transform and Generalized Eigenvalue Proximal Support Vector Machine
2021-02-11 09:07:40 509KB 研究论文