network_exporter ICMP&MTR&TCP端口和HTTP Get Prometheus导出器 该导出器收集ICMP,MTR,TCP端口或HTTP Get统计信息,并通过HTTP导出它们以供Prometheus使用。 产品特点 IPv4和IPv6支持 重新加载配置(按间隔或操作系统信号) 动态添加或删除目标,而不会影响当前正在运行的测试 目标可以在所有的主机或指定的人的名单中执行probe 可配置的日志记录级别和格式(文本或json) 可配置的DNS服务器 导出的指标 ping_up出口商状态 ping_targets活动目标数 ping_status :Ping状态 p
2022-03-29 10:31:28 20.13MB http networking monitoring tcp
matlab精度检验代码神经网络修剪 描述 神经网络修剪是压缩单个隐藏层神经网络以减小模型大小的方法。 该机器学习算法专门针对物联网设备和其他边缘设备等资源受限的环境而开发。 修剪方法基于通过将相应的权重设为零来从网络中删除神经连接。 该策略源自以下论文:“学习有效的神经网络的权重和连接”,宋涵,杰夫·普尔,约翰·特兰,威廉·J·达利。 NIPS,2015年。 用法 源文件:存储库包含五个用于神经网络修剪的Matlab(.m)文件。 NeuralNetSparse.m,train.m和predict.m是主要的源文件。 nnCostFunction.m和fmincg.m是有助于使用梯度下降训练网络的支持文件。 源文件说明: “ NeuralNetSparse.m”是主文件,其中包含训练网络所需的所有超参数,数据集和训练参数。 不同的超参数可帮助用户训练具有不同配置的神经网络,从而有助于优化精度与模型尺寸之间的权衡。 给定内存预算约束取决于底层设备的限制,那么在稀疏网络和超薄网络之间要进行权衡。 这种权衡取决于所使用的数据集,学习率和内存预算。 因此,为了找出最佳配置,NeuralNet
2022-03-29 09:35:21 48KB 系统开源
Mastering Gephi Network Visualization 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2022-03-28 15:08:18 11.26MB Mastering Gephi Network
Numerous control and decision problems in networked systems can be posed as optimization problems. Examples include the framework of network utility maxi-mization for resource allocation in communication networks, multi-agent coordina-tion in robotics, and collaborative estimation in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In contrast to classical distributed optimization, which focuses on improving compu-tational efficiency and scalability, these new applications require simple mechanisms that can operate under limited communication. In this thesis, we develop several novel mechanisms for distributed optimization under communication constraints, and apply these to several challenging engineering problems
2022-03-28 09:52:15 3.19MB Distributed Optimization Network
graph theory 经典 Network flows theory algorithms and applications.pdf
2022-03-25 16:53:27 19.01MB graph theory
Eltima USB Network Gate 是国外一款非常强大的USB设备共享软件,让你可以直接访问在其他电脑上的USB设备,完全不需要将usb设备插入软件中,非常的方便。不管你离得有多远,通过这款软件你都可以和插在另一台机器上的设备互动,就好像它就在那里一样。这解决了跨平台兼容性问题,并允许轻松共享,例如让任何办公电脑使用连接到特定机器的打印机。您还可以隔离设备,一次锁定一个用户。这个软件可以让你操作起来就像你有无限的通用串行总线端口,或者你可以把游戏板插入笔记本电脑,但把它隧道到电脑,使它几乎是无线的。
2022-03-25 08:46:04 7.15MB usb
Xcode4.1 限制网络速度 用来进行网络状况相关测试
2022-03-25 00:56:19 29.24MB 限制网络速度 Network Link Conditioner
Pyramid_Scale_Network 这是PyTorch版本的“ repo”版本库,“利用多列架构在人群计数中的潜力”,它提供了用于人群计数任务的最先进,直接且端到端的体系结构。 我们还建议另一项有关人群计数的工作(),已被ECAI2020接受。 数据集 上海科技数据集 先决条件 我们强烈建议Anaconda作为环境。 的Python:3.6 PyTorch的:1.5.0 培训与测试 1,python生成基本事实。 ShanghaiTech数据集应放在“数据集”目录中。 2,python火车模型3,python测试模型 结果 partA:MAE 55.5 MSE 90.1 B部分:MAE 6.8 MSE 10.7
Nmap, or Network Mapper, is a free, open source tool that is available under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is most often used by network administrators and IT security professionals to scan corporate networks, looking for live hosts, specific services, or specific operating systems. Part of the beauty of Nmap is its ability to create IP packets from scratch and send them out utilizing unique methodologies to perform the above-mentioned types of scans and more. This book provides comprehensive coverage of all Nmap features, including detailed, real-world case studies. . Understand Network Scanning Master networking and protocol fundamentals, network scanning techniques, common network scanning tools, along with network scanning and policies. . Get Inside Nmap Use Nmap in the enterprise, secure Nmap, optimize Nmap, and master advanced Nmap scanning techniques. . Install, Configure, and Optimize Nmap Deploy Nmap on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and install from source. . Take Control of Nmap with the Zenmap GUI Run Zenmap, manage Zenmap scans, build commands with the Zenmap command wizard, manage Zenmap profiles, and manage Zenmap results. . Run Nmap in the Enterprise Start Nmap scanning, discover hosts, port scan, detecting operating systems, and detect service and application versions . Raise those Fingerprints Understand the mechanics of Nmap OS fingerprinting, Nmap OS fingerprint scan as an administrative tool, and detect and evade the OS fingerprint scan. . "Tool" around with Nmap Learn about Nmap add-on and helper tools: NDiff--Nmap diff, RNmap--Remote Nmap, Bilbo, Nmap-parser. . Analyze Real-World Nmap Scans Follow along with the authors to analyze real-world Nmap scans. . Master Advanced Nmap Scanning Techniques Torque Nmap for TCP scan flags customization, packet fragmentation, IP and MAC address spoofing, adding decoy scan source IP addresses, add random data to sent packets, manipulate time-to-live fields, and send packets with bogus TCP or UDP checksums.
2022-03-23 18:11:46 4.64MB nmap enterprise Network Scanning