2020-01-03 11:37:57 1.8MB c++ Effective.Mo Effective C+
2020-01-03 11:37:15 15.02MB electronic
2020-01-03 11:36:37 19.56MB c++
Solve a variety of real-world programming and logic problems by leveraging the power of C++17 Test your skills in using language features, algorithms, data structures, design patterns, and more Explore areas such as cryptography, communication, and image handling in C++ Book Description C++ is one of the most widely-used programming languages and has applications in a variety of fields, such as gaming, GUI programming, and operating systems, to name a few. Through the years, C++ has evolved into (and remains) one of the top choices for software developers worldwide. This book will show you some notable C++ features and how to implement them to meet your application needs. Each problem is unique and doesn't just test your knowledge of the language; it tests your ability to think out of the box and come up with the best solutions. With varying levels of difficulty, you'll be faced with a wide variety of challenges. And in case you're stumped, you don't have to worry: we've got the best solutions to the problems in the book. So are you up for the challenge? What you will learn Serialize and deserialize JSON and XML data Perform encryption and signing to facilitate secure communication between parties Embed and use SQLite databases in your applications Use threads and asynchronous functions to implement generic purpose parallel algorithms Compress and decompress files to/from a ZIP archive Implement data structures such as circular buffer and priority queue Implement general purpose algorithms as well as algorithms that solve specific problems Create client-server applications that communicate over TCP/IP Consume HTTP REST services Use design patterns to solve real-world problems Who this book is for This book will appeal to C++ developers of all levels. There's a challenge inside for everyone. Chapter 1, Math Problems, contains a series of math exercises to warm you up for the more challenging problems in the next chapters. Chapter 2, Language Features, proposes pr
2020-01-03 11:34:39 3.03MB 现代c++ c++17 modernc++
This paper is a survey of the theory and methods of photogrammetric bundle adjustment, aimed at potential implementors in the computer vision community. Bundle adjustment is the problem of refining a visual reconstruction to produce jointly optimal structure and viewing parameter estimates. Topics covered include: the choice of cost function and robustness; numerical optimization including sparse Newton methods, linearly convergent approximations, updating and recursive methods; gauge (datum) invariance; and quality control. The theory is developed for general robust cost functions rather than restricting attention to traditional nonlinear least squares.
2020-01-03 11:30:03 570KB Bundle Adjustment Sparse Matrices
Modern Assembly Language Programming with the ARM Processor is a tutorial-based book on assembly language programming using the ARM processor. It presents the concepts of assembly language programming in different ways, slowly building from simple examples towards complex programming on bare-metal embedded systems.
2020-01-03 11:20:49 7MB ARM assembly 汇编 嵌入式
2020-01-03 11:18:11 19.6MB CT重建
现代操作系统 Modern operating systems(中英文第3、4版).part1
2020-01-03 11:16:47 150MB 操作系统
Effective Modern C++ (英文原版) [美] 斯科特·迈耶(Scott Meyers) 著 梅耶尔大师Effective知名书系新作!25年C++老兵侯捷推荐! 42招独家技巧助你改善C++11/14高效用法, 本书是所有C++软件开发工程师的必读之选 想要彻底理解C++11和C++14,不可止步于熟悉它们引入的语言特性(例如,auto型别推导、移动语义、lambda表达式,以及并发支持)。挑战在于高效地运用这些特性,从而使你的软件具备正确性、高效率、可维护性和可移植性。这正是本书意欲达成的定位。它描述的正是使用C++11和C++14(即现代C++)来编写真正卓越的软件之道。 本书是所有C++软件开发工程师的必读之选
2019-12-21 22:26:00 3.66MB C++ effective c+ C++11
ExtJS6 modern版 日历控件的demo,可以 搜索文章 “ExtJS 日历Calendar 控件 使用”来参考使用
2019-12-21 22:25:57 5KB ExtJS ExtJS6 Calend