Explore the latest Python tools and techniques to help you tackle the world of data acquisition and analysis. You’ll review scientific computing with NumPy, visualization with matplotlib, and machine learning with scikit-learn. This revision is fully updated with new content on social media data analysis, image analysis with OpenCV, and deep learning libraries. Each chapter includes multiple examples demonstrating how to work with each library. At its heart lies the coverage of pandas, for high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and tools for data manipulation Author Fabio Nelli expertly demonstrates using Python for data processing, management, and information retrieval. Later chapters apply what you’ve learned to handwriting recognition and extending graphical capabilities with the JavaScript D3 library. Whether you are dealing with sales data, investment data, medical data, web page usage, or other data sets, Python Data Analytics, Second Edition is an invaluable reference with its examples of storing, accessing, and analyzing data. What You’ll Learn Understand the core concepts of data analysis and the Python ecosystem Go in depth with pandas for reading, writing, and processing data Use tools and techniques for data visualization and image analysis Examine popular deep learning libraries Keras, Theano,TensorFlow, and PyTorch Who This Book Is For Experienced Python developers who need to learn about Pythonic tools for data analysis
2022-07-31 06:29:49 13.97MB python
Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (3rd Edition 版本) (Featured Titles for Transition to Advanced Mathematics) By 作者: Gary Chartrand – Albert D. Polimeni – Ping Zhang ISBN-10 书号: 0321797094 ISBN-13 书号:: 9780321797094 Edition 版本: 3 Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2012-09-27 pages 页数 (424 ) http://finelybook.com/mathematical-proofs-a-transition-to-advanced-mathematics-3rd-edition/
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2019年 农行网上支付平台PHP_Edition-V3.1.6。支付接口开发文档,帮助快速搭建。值得参考。
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使用C ++ Cookbook的虚幻引擎4.x脚本-第二版 这是Packt发布的《 进行的代码库。 使用C ++和UE4的功能开发高质量的游戏组件并解决脚本问题 这本书是关于什么的? 虚幻引擎4(UE4)是受欢迎且屡获殊荣的游戏引擎,可为某些最受欢迎的游戏提供支持。 一个真正强大的游戏开发工具,再没有比现在更好的时候将其用于商业和独立项目了。 本书提供了100多种食谱,展示了如何在使用虚幻引擎开发游戏时释放C ++的功能。 本书涵盖以下激动人心的功能: 如果您觉得这本书适合您,请立即获取! 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 例如,Chapter02。 该代码将如下所示: FString name = "Tim"; int32 mana = 450; FString string = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Name = %s Mana = %d
2022-07-24 22:37:50 2GB C++
数据库管理系统 - 第三版解决方案 该存储库旨在收集数据库管理系统第三版的答案。 贡献: 如果您发现不正确或遗漏的问题/答案,甚至是拼写错误,并希望做出贡献,请随时提交 PR。 笔记: 一些答案取自 -
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该PDF为Numerical Optimazation 第二版英文原版,作者 J.Nocedal 和 S.J. Wright
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Odoo 15 开发必备 第5版 (英文原版) 目录如下: Section 1: Introduction to Odoo Development Chapter 1: Quick Start Using the Developer Mode Chapter 2: Preparing the Development Environment Chapter 3: Your First Odoo Application Chapter 4: Extending Modules Section 2: Models Chapter 5: Importing, Exporting, and Module Data Chapter 6: Models – Structuring the Application Data Section 3: Business Logic Chapter 7: Recordsets – Working with Model Data ...
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Computer Organization and Design_ The Hardware Software Interface [RISC-V Edition] 英文文字版,经典教材
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