There are two main programs :
_ the first one sends 400 integers (representing a sine wave).
_ the second one sends pictures.
To use them, you have to run the same type on each side.
Go to folder executables and choose folder for Sine or Picture.
Run the .exe!
Source Code:
The source code for the dsp card is in the folder .\DSP\
Open project from CCS. dsk_app.c is the main program.
I. Simple Sinusoid
1. load program: .\black05\executables\transmitter\transmitter_sine.exe
This will load the dsk_app_sine.out and start the GUI.
2. RUN
The program will send coded samples of a 400 pt. sine wave to
the right-out channel of the transmitter. The received samples are written to buffer: finalData.
Display the 400 samples as unsigned integers, and compare the result.
II. Picture
1. load program: .\black05\executables\transmitter\transmitter.exe
This will load the dsk_app_pic.out and start the GUI.
2. Choose a picture from: .\black05\executables\transmitter\res