2021-06-15 14:07:29 10.25MB c++ 算法,面向对象
《C++Primer(第5版)》基于全新的C++11标准进行全面彻底的内容更新,中英文试读版抢先读! 这本久负盛名的C++经典教程,时隔八年之久,终迎来史无前例的重大升级。除令全球无数程序员从中受益,甚至为之迷醉的——C++大师Stanley B. Lippman的丰富实践经验,C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie对C++标准的深入理解,以及C++先驱Barbara E. Moo在C++教学方面的真知灼见外,更是基于全新的C++11标准进行了全面而彻底的内容更新。非常难能可贵的是,书中所有示例均全部采用C++11标准改写,这在经典升级版中极其罕见——充分体现了C++语言的重大进展极其全面实践。书中丰富的教学辅助内容、醒目的知识点提示,以及精心组织的编程示范,让这本书在C++领域的权威地位更加不可动摇。无论是初学者入门,或是中、高级程序员提升,本书均为不容置疑的首选。
2021-06-13 10:24:41 6.79MB C++ Primer,C++
INTRODUCTION Preface to the Fifth Edition Learning C++ is an adventure of discovery, particularly because the language accommodates several programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming, generic programming, and the traditional procedural programming. C++ was a moving target as the language added new features, but now, with the ISO/ANSI C++ Standard, Second Edition (2003), in place, the language has stabilized. Contemporary compilers support most or all of the features mandated by the standard, and programmers have had time to get used to applying these features. The fifth edition of this book, C++ Primer Plus, reflects the ISO/ANSI standard and describes this matured version of C++. C++ Primer Plus discusses the basic C language and presents C++ features, making this book self-contained. It presents C++ fundamentals and illustrates them with short, to-the-point programs that are easy to copy and experiment with. You’ll learn about input/output (I/O), how to make programs perform repetitive tasks and make choices, the many ways to handle data, and how to use functions. You’ll learn about the many features C++ has added to C, including the following: • Classes and objects • Inheritance • Polymorphism, virtual functions, and runtime type identification (RTTI) • Function overloading • Reference variables • Generic, or type-independent, programming, as provided by templates and the Standard Template Library (STL) • The exception mechanism for handling error conditions • Namespaces for managing names of functions, classes, and variables The Primer Approach C++ Primer Plus brings several virtues to the task of presenting all this material. It builds on the primer tradition begun by C Primer Plus nearly two decades ago and embraces its successful philosophy:
2021-06-10 10:56:19 6.43MB c plusplus
C Primer Plus is a carefully crafted, complete tutorial on one of the most significant and widely used programming languages today. An accessible and easy-to-use self-study guide, this book is appropriate for both serious students of programming as well as developers already proficient in other languages.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-06-09 21:16:47 5.71MB 英文
2021-06-09 15:43:10 48B c++ primer 第五版 pdf
2021-06-07 17:04:23 1.83MB c++ 学习资源 资源共享
C++ primer
2021-06-06 20:01:35 1.11MB C++ C++Primer
c++ primer 第五版示例代码
2021-06-04 17:03:40 477KB c++primer第五版示例 源代码
C++ Primer习题集(第五版) , 带目录完整版。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 目录 第1章............................................................ 1 练习1.1 练 习1.25 第2 章变量和基本类型................................................. 12 练习2.1 练 习2.42 第3 章字符串、向量和数组..............................................37 练习3.1 练 习3.45 第4 章表达式......................................................... 80 练习4.1 练 习4.38 第5 章语句........................................................... 99 练习5.1 练 习5.25 第6 章函数.......................................................... 120 练习6.1 练 习6.56 m m m ...................................................................... 152 练习7.1 练 习7.58 第8 章1 0库..........................................................183 练习8.1 练 习8.14 第9 章顺序容器...................................................... 193 练习9.1 练 习9.52 第10章泛型算法..................................................... 234 练习10.1 练 习10.42 目录 ◄ v 第11章关联容器..................................................... 273 练习11.1 练 习11.38 第12章动态内存..................................................... 297 练习12.1 练 习12.33 第13章拷贝控制..................................................... 331 练习13.1 练 习13.58 第14章重载运算与类型转换............................................368 练习14.1 练 习14.53 第15章面向对象程序设计..............................................399 练习15.1 练 习15.42 第16章模板与泛型编程............................................... 424 练习16.1 练 习16.67 第17章标准库特殊设施............................................... 458 练习17.1 练 习17.39 第18章用于大型程序的工具............................................483 练习18.1 练 习18.30 第19章特殊工具与技术............................................... 502 练习19.1 练 习19.26
2021-05-27 10:45:47 92.78MB 带书签 C++ c++primer c++习题集
C++Primer第五版习题答案+详解(完整版) C++Primer第五版习题答案+详解(完整版)
2021-05-25 20:12:50 498KB C++ primer 习题答案