2021-11-16 21:10:37 2.47MB BMP图片 特效显示
C语言图像处理:条形码识别 对于新手学习图像处理有较好的参考价值。 解压后将.bmp和.c文件放在同一文件夹下即可直接运行即可 (macos系统使用Xcode需要把文件路径改成绝对路径)
2021-11-16 14:55:25 955KB C语言 C++ 图像处理 bmp
Bmp To Mif 转换器 // (karimov 2005) // This program was originnaly written by one of the ECE241 students to convert an image // supplied in a BMP file into an MIF file format for use with Quartus II. // // This program has recently been modified to work with the new VGA controller used with the DE2 // board. // // What to do: // 1. Create an image in Microsoft paint (or other program). The image must be 160 pixels wide, 120 pixels high and // use 24-bits to represent colour information. // 2. Once you create the image you need, flip it up-side down. Then save the BMP file. (example: foo.bmp) // 3. Run this converter in command prompt using the name of the BMP file you created as a command-line parameter. // For example: // bmp2mif foo.bmp // 4. The program generates two files: // image.colour.mif - an MIF file with 3 bits colour information obtained from the BMP file you supplied // image.mono.mif - an MIF file containing 1 bit of colour for every pixel on the screen. The dot will either be // black or white. // You can change the file names once they are created, but they should still have the .mif extension. // // 5. Copy the proper MIF file to the directory where your design is located and include it in your project. // 6. Change the BACKGROUND_IMAGE parameter of the VgaAdapter to indicate your MIF file. // 7. The COLOR_CHANNEL_DEPTH parameter must be set to 1 to work with the image.colour.mif file. #include #include #define FLIP_INT(c) ((c >> 24) & 0x000000FF) | ((c & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | ((c & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | ((c & 0x000000FF) <> 8) | ((c & 0x00FF) << 8) typedef struct s_header { unsigned short bfType; unsigned int bfSize; unsigned short reserved1; unsigned short reserved2; unsigned int offset; } t_bmp_header; typedef struct s_bmp_info { unsigned int biSize; unsigned int biWidth; unsigned int biHeight; unsigned short biPlanes; unsigned short biBitCount; unsigned in
2021-11-15 21:54:08 27KB DE2 FPGA Verilog BMP
2021-11-15 20:40:25 246KB 指纹图像
2021-11-15 18:58:49 137KB bmp avi
2021-11-15 16:27:49 186KB vb 摄像头 ezVidCap bmp转jpg
特征: 剪切带有扩展名的图像:jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,gif 支持递归子目录 Win / Unix发行版 要求: Java 8+ 例子: 资料下载: 用法: 编译和构建: 要求: Gradle5.4+ 通过测试: Gradle构建 没有测试: gradle build -x测试
2021-11-15 14:25:45 37.35MB Java
2021-11-15 14:17:37 631KB C#  bmp list
ARM Cortex-A8平台Linux下V4l2摄像头采集图片程序,实现yuyv转RGB,RGB转BMP保存,RGB缩放等功能。利用jpeglib实现RGB转JPEG,并且压缩结果保存至内存中,无需再用文件操作来保存JPEG图片,JPEG经UDP发送至远程服务器端。
2021-11-15 11:17:21 55KB v4l2 yuyv RGB JPEG
2021-11-15 04:52:34 18KB bmp molo array