美信实时时钟芯片 (RTCs)全系列原理图库+PCB封装库(AD集成库),.IntLib后缀文件,拆分后文件为PcbLib+SchLib格式,Altium Designer原理图库+PCB封装库,集成库型号列表如下:Library Component Count : 548 Name Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DS1243Y-120+ 64K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 28-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1244W-120+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 28-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1244W-120IND+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 28-Pin EDIP, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1244WP-120+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1244WP-120IND+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1244Y-70+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 28-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1244YP-70+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1248W-120+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 32-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1248W-120IND+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 32-Pin EDIP, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1248WP-120+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1248WP-120IND+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1248Y-70+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 32-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1248Y-70IND+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 32-Pin EDIP, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1248YP-70+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1251W-120+ 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 32-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1251W-120IND+ 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 32-Pin EDIP, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1251WP-120+ 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1251WP-120IND+ 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, -40
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