数字信号处理的很好教材(英文版) 详细介绍了同步,信道估计及信号处理的数学分析和应用。
2019-12-21 19:57:51 43.78MB Heinrich Meyr Marc Moeneclaey
《An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation》by H. Vincent Poor [Author]: H. Vincent Poor [Translator]: [ISBN]:0387941738 [Page]:398 pages [Dimensions]: [Publisher]:Springer; 2nd ed. 1994. Corr. 2nd printing edition [Date of publication]:(March 16, 1998) [File format]:PDF [Photo ofCover]: [Author]: IEEE Communications Magazine "Students will find the book a very useful, comprehensive, and accessible introduction to detection and estimation techniques...Renders the theories of the field accessible to an average graduate student...[also] a valuable addition to their library as a handy reference to key ideas and techniques." Mathematical Review "...many diagrams are used to illustrate how statistical procedures are implemented...The book is organized in a particularly nice and useful way. The level of mathematical difficulty rises very gradually...Great care is exercised to explain the meaning of each result..."
2019-12-21 19:53:41 5.76MB An Introduction to Signal
Bar shalom 经典原著, 是雷达跟踪,数据融合的经典书籍
2019-12-21 19:52:43 32.62MB tracking filtering
Optimal Estimation of Dynamic Systems, Second Edition highlights the importance of both physical and numerical modeling in solving dynamics-based estimation problems found in engineering systems. Accessible to engineering students, applied mathematicians, and practicing engineers, the text presents the central concepts and methods of optimal estimation theory and applies the methods to problems with varying degrees of analytical and numerical difficulty. Different approaches are often compared to show their absolute and relative utility. The authors also offer prototype algorithms to stimulate the development and proper use of efficient computer programs. MATLAB(R) codes for the examples are available on the book's website. New to the Second Edition With more than 100 pages of new material, this reorganized edition expands upon the best-selling original to include comprehensive developments and updates. It incorporates new theoretical results, an entirely new chapter on advanced sequential state estimation, and additional examples and exercises. An ideal self-study guide for practicing engineers as well as senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students, the book introduces the fundamentals of estimation and helps newcomers to understand the relationships between the estimation and modeling of dynamical systems. It also illustrates the application of the theory to real-world situations, such as spacecraft attitude determination, GPS navigation, orbit determination, and aircraft tracking.
2019-12-21 19:49:03 8.27MB 最优估计
Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory Part III(完整版) 信号检测、信号处理必备文具书之一!
2019-12-21 19:45:19 10.93MB 检测 估计 调制
高清,带完整书签。做机器人以及SLAM有两本圣经,一本是大名鼎鼎的《Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision》,另一本就是至今虽然尚未出版,但是已经在SLAM界广为流传的《State Estimation for Robotics》,这本书深入讲解了李代数的理论,以及从滤波器的角度来深入分析了机器人的状态估计方法。高博鼎力推荐。
2019-12-21 19:43:42 4.49MB SLAM 状态估计 机器人 MVG
2019-12-21 19:39:10 766KB estimation
2019-12-21 19:37:59 6.6MB ecognition 易康 ESP插件
Density Estimation for Statistics and Data analysis
2019-12-21 19:36:41 4.04MB Stats Data sci
Statistical Signal Processing - Detection, Estimation, and Time Series Analysis;[Louis Scharf];统计信号处理里面的经典书籍;
2019-12-21 19:34:03 16.82MB 信号处理