2021-04-20 15:48:44 4.68MB stm32 时间可以校准 DS1302 串口
2021-04-16 12:54:24 75KB 时钟 51 DS1302
用的PROTEUS仿真,用lcd1602显示了温度(DS18B20)和时间日期(DS1302),程序是用C语言编写。 同时用普中科技单片机测试过。
FPGA 读写rtc_ds1302实时时钟的Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档说明,RTC芯片型号ds1302,FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE6F17C8,Quartus版本17.1。 module top( //sys input clk, input rst_n, output rtc_sclk, output rtc_ce, inout rtc_data, output [5:0] seg_sel, output [7:0] seg_data ); wire[7:0] read_second; wire[7:0] read_minute; wire[7:0] read_hour; wire[7:0] read_date; wire[7:0] read_month; wire[7:0] read_week; wire[7:0] read_year; seg_bcd seg_bcd_m0( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), .seg_sel (seg_sel), .seg_data (seg_data), .seg_bcd ({read_hour,read_minute,read_second}) ); ds1302_test ds1302_test_m0( .rst (~rst_n), .clk (clk), .ds1302_ce (rtc_ce), .ds1302_sclk (rtc_sclk), .ds1302_io (rtc_data), .read_second (read_second), .read_minute (read_minute), .read_hour (read_hour), .read_date (read_date), .read_month (read_month), .read_week (read_week), .read_year (read_year) ); endmodule
2021-04-12 09:24:56 83KB 单片机 实时时钟 红外 遥控
DS1302时钟串口自动更新时间 51单片机 C语言经典例程
2021-04-11 19:45:40 31KB DS1302 串口 更新时间
2021-04-10 22:43:13 28KB 51单片机 DS1302
STM32RTC时 钟整理了一下DS1302的代码,串口输出,KEIL5原工程,亲测可用,有接线说明和使用说明
2021-04-10 21:35:43 3.13MB DS1302 STM32F103C8
美信实时时钟芯片 (RTCs)全系列原理图库+PCB封装库(AD集成库),.IntLib后缀文件,拆分后文件为PcbLib+SchLib格式,Altium Designer原理图库+PCB封装库,集成库型号列表如下:Library Component Count : 548 Name Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DS1243Y-120+ 64K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 28-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1244W-120+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 28-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1244W-120IND+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 28-Pin EDIP, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1244WP-120+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1244WP-120IND+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1244Y-70+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 28-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1244YP-70+ 256K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1248W-120+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 32-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1248W-120IND+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 32-Pin EDIP, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1248WP-120+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1248WP-120IND+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1248Y-70+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 32-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1248Y-70IND+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 32-Pin EDIP, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1248YP-70+ 1024K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 5.0V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1251W-120+ 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 32-Pin EDIP, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1251W-120IND+ 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 32-Pin EDIP, -40 to 85 degC, Pb-Free DS1251WP-120+ 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, 0 to 70 degC, Pb-Free DS1251WP-120IND+ 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock, 3.3V, 34-Pin PowerCap, -40