Nim in Action 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-04-30 16:58:10 3.97MB Nim Action
This book has involved a huge amount of work over the past year and a bit. But in spite of the countless hours I put in, it would never have happened without a lot of hard work from some amazing people. This book isn’t the creation of a great writer; instead, it’s the result of an enthusiastic developer standing on the shoulders of giants, and it is these giants to whom I owe a huge amount of thanks. First, I’d like to thank the team at Xamarin for creating a product that has excited me beyond any technology that I've worked with before—especially Miguel de Icaza, Nat Friedman, and Joseph Hill for founding such an awesome company to create an awesome product; James Montemagno for kick-starting my involvement with the Xam- arin community by inspiring me to write and speak; Jayme Singleton for her great work building the Xamarin community and supporting all its members; and Mikayla Hutchinson for always being happy to help no matter what dumb questions I ask her. On the community side, I’d like to thank the Xamarin MVP community, past and present, for welcoming me to the fold, being on hand to answer questions, and sup- porting my writing, with special thanks to Dave Evans for giving me my first chance to speak at a meetup—a defining moment in my community involvement. Part of what has made this book so easy to write is the amazing framework that is MvvmCross, so I’d like to also thank the MvvmCross team for their hard work and support, especially Martijn van Dijk. This book wouldn’t have been one-tenth as good as it is without the constant sup- port, feedback, and teaching of my development editor at Manning Publications, Ele- sha Hyde. The techniques you’ve taught me have made me a better communicator, writer, and mentor, and I’ve been incredibly appreciative of your guidance every time there was a bump in the road. I hope I’ve done you proud.
2021-04-30 10:02:29 10.42MB C# APP Xamarin Android
4本书打包: Nodejs开发指南 nodejs入门经典 Nodejs in Action nodejs手册中文版
2021-04-29 21:50:37 31.61MB Nodejs
Robin and book mu Harri Pasanen DunnTranslated by dripping ( la. Onger (la - onger. Long - er. Name) into od version
2021-04-29 14:05:37 3.55MB wxpython python 中文版 pdf
R in Action 中文版PDF及原代码
2021-04-29 09:07:22 16.68MB R及原代码
Mirillis Action!(暗神屏幕录制软件)专业高清屏幕录像软件,被誉为游戏视频三大神器之一。这款屏幕录制软件和游戏录制软件,拥有三大硬件加速技术,支持以超高清视频画质录制桌面和实况直播,超清视频画质,1080P4KHDR超高清画质,60fps帧超高清视频MP4(H.264AVC)格式,支持录制加密视频,显示游戏帧率,添加实时评论,游戏视频解说。还可以录制和直播游戏、网页视频、录制音乐、屏幕截图等等。
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flash MX Action完整手册(CHM),flash MX 完整手册
2021-04-29 01:36:28 307KB flashMXAction flashMX完整手册
Apache Camel 作为集成项目的利器,针对应用集成场景的抽象出了一套消息交互模型,通过组件的方式进行第三方系统的接入,目前Apache Camel已经提供了300多种组件能够接入HTTP,JMS,TCP,WS-*,WebSocket 等多种传输协议。Apache Camel结合企业应用集成模式(EIP)的特点提供了消息路由,消息转换等领域特定语言(DSL),极大降低了集成应用的开发难度。Apache Camel通过URI的方式来定义需要集成的应用节点信息,用户可以按照业务需求使用DSL快速编写消息路由规则,而无需关注集成协议的细节问题。与传统的企业集成服务总线(ESB)相比,Apache Camel的核心库非常小巧(是一个只有几M的jar包),可以方便地与其他系统进行集成。
2021-04-25 21:01:45 3.77MB camel apache esb
网易云音乐自动签到+刷歌 网易云音乐自动登录签到+刷歌310首 Github Actions部署指南 一,叉此仓库 二,设置账号密码 添加了USER , PWD的变量,值分别为账号(仅支持手机号) ,**密码** 设置->秘密->新秘密 支持多账号,账号之间与密码之间用#分隔,账号与密码的个数要对应 示例: USER:13800000000#13800000001 , PWD:cxkjntm#jntmcxk 三,启用动作 点击动作,再点击我明白我的工作流程,继续前进,使他们 点击左侧的星 四,查看运行结果 动作->签到->建立 能看到如下图所示,表示成功 注意事项 每天运行两次,在上午6点和晚上22点。 可以通过Star手动启动一次。
2021-04-24 18:08:56 8KB Python
C++ Concurrency in Action - Practical Multithreading 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-04-23 15:10:54 3.61MB C++ Concurrency Action Practical