GB-T_28181-2016公共安全视频监控联网系统信息传输、交换、控制技术要求-最新版.zip 本标准规定了公共安全视频监控联网系统(以下简称联网系统)的互联结构,传输、交换、控制的基本要求和安全性要求,以及控制、传输流程和协议接口等技术要求。 本标准适用于公共安全视频监控联网系统的方案设计、系统检测、验收以及与之相关的设备研发、生产。
2022-04-29 11:22:15 54.16MB 28181标准 2016最新版
正月十六工作室集合IT厂商、IT服务商、资深教师组成教材开发团队,聚焦产业发展动态,持续跟进ICT(Information Communication Technology,简称ICT)岗位需求变化,基于工作过程系统化开发项目化课程和全方位教学资源。正月十六工作室致力于输出满足“知识+技能+业务+素养”四维培养需要的IT类职业教育课程资源,为培养卓越IT工程师而不懈努力。 本书前期经过了在职业院校教学、企业培训的多次打磨,巧妙融合了教材开发团队多年的教学与培训经验,采用最容易让学习者理解的方式,通过场景化的项目案例将理论与技术应用密切结合,让技术应用更具实用性,通过标准化业务实施流程熟悉工作过程,通过项目拓展进一步巩固业务能力,促进养成规范的职业行为。全书通过14个精心设计的项目让学习者逐步地掌握Windows Server 2016的配置与管理,成为一名准IT系统管理工程师打下坚实的基础。
2022-04-27 18:01:18 33.45MB
中文版Excel 2016宝典(第9版) 由享誉全球的“电子表格先生”John Walkenbach撰写,将引导你学习Excel 2016的卓越新能,展示如何充分利用这个*版本的能力。这本权威指南堪称一座知识金矿,涵盖运用模板、实现公式、创建数据透视表、分析数据以及其他更多内容,是可供你反复查阅的权威参考书。
2022-04-27 14:52:39 116.97MB EXCEL 2016 宝典
Multithreading with C# Cookbook - Second Edition April 2016 Over 70 recipes to get you writing powerful and efficient multithreaded, asynchronous, and parallel programs in C# 6.0 Book Description Multi-core processors are synonymous with computing speed and power in today’s world, which is why multithreading has become a key concern for C# developers. Multithreaded code helps you create effective, scalable, and responsive applications. This is an easy-to-follow guide that will show you difficult programming problems in context. You will learn how to solve them with practical, hands-on, recipes. With these recipes, you’ll be able to start creating your own scalable and reliable multithreaded applications. Starting from learning what a thread is, we guide you through the basics and then move on to more advanced concepts such as task parallel libraries, C# asynchronous functions, and much more. Rewritten to the latest C# specification, C# 6, and updated with new and modern recipes to help you make the most of the hardware you have available, this book will help you push the boundaries of what you thought possible in C#. What You Will Learn Use C# 6.0 asynchronous language features Work with raw threads, synchronize threads, and coordinate their work Develop your own asynchronous API with Task Parallel Library Work effectively with a thread pool Scale up your server application with I/O threads Parallelize your LINQ queries with PLINQ Use common concurrent collections Apply different parallel programming patterns Use Reactive Extensions to run asynchronous operations and manage their options
2022-04-27 13:07:11 2.35MB C# 多线程
2022-04-26 22:05:02 215KB 3Dmax2
2022-04-26 17:58:29 1.21MB 工程技术 论文
1. lab1已经配置好,直接执行 dc_shell -f scripts/run_comp.tcl | tee -i syn.log 2. makefile 是用来清理导出的那些文件 3. 把压缩包放到虚拟机再进行解压,如果在Windows下解压可能会有问题!
2022-04-25 13:00:38 73.79MB DC linux tcl
ros-kinetic-libg2o_2016.4.24.orig.tar.gz 解老版本,解决版本不对应导致的运行出错
2022-04-23 10:18:59 1.48MB libg2o
2022-04-22 10:51:21 4.45MB gb28181 2016 demo
2022-04-21 19:08:06 365.17MB 火凤凰插件 火凤凰 流体 火焰