Statistical Signal Processing - Detection, Estimation, and Time Series Analysis;[Louis Scharf];统计信号处理里面的经典书籍;
2019-12-21 19:34:03 16.82MB 信号处理
2019-12-21 19:33:57 16.4MB 小波 分析
《Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing with MATLAB Algorithms》本书影印版pdf。
2019-12-21 19:29:43 33.23MB SAR 成像 算法
2019-12-21 19:28:00 22.4MB 数字信号处理 滤波器
数字信号处理——原理、算法与应用。国外电子与通信教材系列,方艳梅,刘永清 等译。Digital signal processing principles,algorithms,and applications 习题答案
2019-12-21 19:27:04 3.52MB 信号处理 国外教材 习题答案
Documentation for Matlab Toolbox
2019-12-21 19:26:48 7.61MB Maltab Toolbox Signal Processing
G. Manolakis 的Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing,图书及Matlab代码。
2019-12-21 18:58:43 17.16MB Statistical and Adaptive Signal
CONTENT PART 1 BASICS OF INFERENCE OVER NETWORKS CHAPTER 1 Asynchronous Adaptive Networks CHAPTER 2 Estimation and Detection Over Adaptive Networks CHAPTER 3 Multitask Learning Over Adaptive Networks With Grouping CHAPTER 4 Bayesian Approach to Collaborative Inference in Networks CHAPTER 5 Multiagent Distributed Optimization CHAPTER 6 Distributed Kalman and Particle Filtering CHAPTER 7 Game Theoretic Learning PART 2 SIGNAL PROCESSING ON GRAPHS CHAPTER 8 Graph Signal Processing . CHAPTER 9Sampling and Recovery of Graph Signals CHAPTER 10 Bayesian Active learning on Graphs . CHAPTER 1 1 Design of Graph Filters and Filterbanks CHAPTER 12 Statistical Graph Signal Processing: Stationarity and Spectral Estimation CHAPTER 1 3 Inference of Graph Topology CHAPTER 14 Partially Absorbing Ranclom Walks: A Unifiecl Framework for Learning on Graphs PART 3 DISTRIBUTED COMMUNICATIONS, NETWORKING, AND SENSING . . . . .
2019-12-21 18:56:45 27.96MB Signal Proce
信号处理估计理论经典书籍,fundamental of statistical signal processing estimation theory
2019-12-21 18:51:41 35.86MB signal processing estimation theory
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Practical Algorithm Development is the third volume in a series of textbooks by the same name. Previous volumes described the underlying theory of estimation and detection algorithms. In contrast, the current volume addresses the practice of converting this theory into software algorithms that may be implemented on a digital computer. In describing the methodology and techniques, it will not be assumed that the reader has studied the first two volumes, but of course, he/she is certainly encouraged to do so. Instead, the descriptions will focus on the general concepts using a minimum of mathematics but will be amply illustrated using MATLAB implementations. It is envisioned that the current book will appeal to engineers and scientists in industry and academia who would like to solve statistical signal processing problems through design of well-performing and implementable algorithms for real systems.
2019-12-21 18:51:38 19.82MB signal DSP fpga