Fang, K. T., Li, R., and Sudjianto, A. (2006), Design and Modeling for Computer Experiments, CRC Press, New York. 国外应用很广泛的教材
2021-07-29 15:18:41 6.32MB Computer Experiments data analysis
2021-07-26 21:26:54 6.19MB 计算机科学
2021-07-23 19:06:15 3.94MB 机器学习
AI-LAB:此存储库包含一个docker映像,我可以用它以简单的方式开发自己的人工智能应用程序。 Python,TensorFlow,PyTorch,ONNX,Keras,OpenCV,TensorRT,Numpy,Jupyter笔记本...:whale2:
2021-07-17 19:31:38 1.96MB python docker dockerfile data-science
File descriptions • /stage1_train/* - training set images (images and annotated masks) • /stage1_test/* - stage 1 test set images (images only, you are predicting the masks) • /stage2_test/* (released later) - stage 2 test set images (images only, you are predicting the masks) • stage1_sample_submission.csv - a submission file containing the ImageIds for which you must predict during stage 1 • stage2_sample_submission.csv (released later) - a submission file containing the ImageIds for which you must predict during stage 2 • stage1_train_labels.csv - a file showing the run-length encoded representation of the training images. This is provided as a convenience and is redundant with the mask image files.
2021-07-17 13:48:59 358.35MB kaggle data-science-bow
数据科学 - 获取和清理数据课程项目 由于我在 John Hopkin 的在线数据科学课程中学习数据科学的旅程而创建了这个 repo 数据源 数据源可。 运行分析.R 该脚本由一个函数runAnalysis()组成,该函数执行以下操作: 合并训练集和测试集以创建一个数据集。 仅提取每个测量值的平均值和标准偏差的测量值。 使用描述性活动名称来命名数据集中的活动。 使用描述性变量名称适当地标记数据集。 根据步骤 4 中的数据集,创建第二个独立的 tidy 数据集,其中包含每个活动和每个主题的每个变量的平均值。 要运行脚本,请键入: source('run_analysis.R') runAnalysis() 输出: reading train data... reading test data... reading other required files.. mergi
2021-07-17 12:03:13 22KB R
A Primer with MATLAB® and Python™ present important information on the emergence of the use of Python, a more general purpose option to MATLAB, the preferred computation language for scientific computing and analysis in neuroscience. This book addresses the snake in the room by providing a beginner’s introduction to the principles of computation and data analysis in neuroscience, using both Python and MATLAB, giving readers the ability to transcend platform tribalism and enable coding versatility. Includes discussions of both MATLAB and Python in parallel Introduces the canonical data analysis cascade, standardizing the data analysis flow Presents tactics that strategically, tactically, and algorithmically help improve the organization of code
2021-07-16 17:06:55 13.54MB 神经数据科学 matlab python
CS50 AP是哈佛大学为高中生开设的介绍计算机科学和编程艺术的入门课程。 该资源为官方课程笔记。
2021-07-15 16:40:08 2.47MB cs50
High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging is a very active area of research today. It uses the advances of digital image processing as its foundation. It is used in camera design, software image processing, digital graphic arts and making movies. Everywhere we turn we see that HDR imaging is replacing conventional photography. If we want to understand HDR imaging we need an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates the many ways of making images. Further, we need to understand exactly what we mean by conventional photography. This text starts with the history of painting and presents an integrated view of the arts, image science, and technology leading to today's HDR. It ends with a discussion of possibilities for the future.
2021-07-12 09:44:43 92.06MB 图像处理 HDR 图像质量
I know what you are asking yourself--‘there are a lot of books available about DSP, is this book the one for me?’ Well that depends on who you are. If 1. you are interested in doing research and development in one of the many state-of-the-art applications of DSP, such as speech compression, speech recognition, or modem design, 2. your main proficiency or science rather than is in computer science, abstract mathematics,electronics or electrical engineering, 3. your math ematical background is relatively strong (flip back now to the appendix-you should be comfortable with about half of what you see there), then you are definitely in the target group of this book.
2021-07-11 00:04:42 56.82MB DSP