2019-12-21 18:57:21 6.26MB Surrogate modelling
Practical Binary Analysis: Build Your Own Linux Tools for Binary Instrumentation, Analysis, and Disassembly By 作者: Dennis Andriesse ISBN-10 书号: 1593279124 ISBN-13 书号: 9781593279127 出版日期: 2018-12-11 pages 页数: (449) Stop manually analyzing binary! Practical Binary Analysis is the first book of its kind to present advanced binary analysis topics, such as binary instrumentation, dynamic taint analysis, and symbolic execution, in an accessible way. As malware increasingly obfuscates itself and applies anti-analysis techniques to thwart our analysis, we need more sophisticated methods that allow us to raise that dark curtain designed to keep us out–binary analysis can help. The goal of all binary analysis is to determine (and possibly modify) the true properties of binary programs to understand what they really do, rather than what we think they should do. While reverse engineering and disassembly are critical first steps in many forms of binary analysis, there is much more to be learned. This hands-on guide teaches you how to tackle the fascinating but challenging topics of binary analysis and instrumentation and helps you become proficient in an area typically only mastered by a small group of expert hackers. It will take you from basic concepts to state-of-the-art methods as you dig into topics like code injection, disassembly, dynamic taint analysis, and binary instrumentation. Written for security engineers, hackers, and those with a basic working knowledge of C/C++ and x86-64, Practical Binary Analysis will teach you in-depth how binary programs work and help you acquire the tools and techniques needed to gain more control and insight into binary programs. Once you’ve completed an introduction to basic binary formats, you’ll learn how to analyze binaries using techniques like the GNU/Linux binary analysis toolchain, disassembly, and code injection. You’ll then go on to implement profiling tools with Pin and learn how to build your own dynamic taint analysis tools w
2019-12-21 18:57:10 15.86MB Linux
Deep learning doesn't have to be intimidating. Until recently, this machine-learning method required years of study, but with frameworks such as Keras and Tensorflow, software engineers without a background in machine learning can quickly enter the field. With the recipes in this cookbook, you'll learn how to solve deep-learning problems for classifying and generating text, images, and music. Each chapter consists of several recipes needed to complete a single project, such as training a music recommending system. Author Douwe Osinga also provides a chapter with half a dozen techniques to help you if you're stuck. Examples are written in Python with code available on GitHub as a set of Python notebooks. You'll learn how to: Create applications that will serve real users Use word embeddings to calculate text similarity Build a movie recommender system based on Wikipedia links Learn how AIs see the world by visualizing their internal state Build a model to suggest emojis for pieces of text Reuse pretrained networks to build an inverse image search service Compare how GANs, autoencoders and LSTMs generate icons Detect music styles and index song collections
2019-12-21 18:56:25 13.11MB 深度学习
2019-12-21 18:52:30 15.01MB IC设计 静态时序分析
该书是Joseph M. Geary 即将退休之作,集其毕生科研实 践之精华,Geary 是美国Alabama 大学著名的光学研究中心 的教授,SPIE 的Fellow,从事镜头设计四十余年,有着丰富 的镜头设计经验,阅读该书就是您与大师对话,亲身聆听教诲 的机会。本书来自于Huntsville市Alabama大学应用光学研究中心光学工程专业博士生的学位课。虽然有很多设计各种镜头方面的专著和论文集,但在教这门课开始的时候,令我十分沮丧和失望的是,我无法找到一本好的镜头设计方面的教材。还没有人针对学生学习(或教师)思路来编写教材,因此希望本书在镜头设计教学方法上迈出一步。它就像我最初打算的一样,现代镜头设计教材不可能完全脱离可利用的商业光学设计软件,因此考虑几个原因(如界面友好和高性价比等),作者选择了ZEMAX。
2019-12-21 18:51:05 35.93MB Zemax BOOK Lens design
英文原版PDF,不是扫描版,不是扫描版,不是扫描版!适合 电气攻城狮们 !
2019-12-21 18:50:27 43.75MB Electronics Inventors 4th
Interest Rate Markets - A Practical Approach to Fixed Income
2019-12-21 18:48:18 4.23MB Interest Rate Markets Practical
Python Docker 实战 [Practical Docker with Python] 出版社 Apress (2018) 教你用 Docker 部署 Python 全套应用,特别是网络爬虫和AI服务
2019-12-21 18:48:15 2.88MB python docker 实战 运维
Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects .pdf,是2014年的最新书籍,写的很好,对使用opencv做图像的很有帮助。
2014-08-29 00:00:00 6.33MB Mastering OpenCV 图像处理
2012-05-14 00:00:00 7.8MB 云计算