:cactus: JavaScript 的手指树。 请参阅。 父级是 。 data FingerTree x = Empty | Single x | Deep ( Digit x ) ( FingerTree ( Node x ) ) ( Digit x ) :woman_teacher: 接口参考 :cactus: Tree定义 :straight_ruler: Measure定义Measure示例 :package: 如何import :baby: 如何创建一Tree empty(Measure) -> Tree from(Measure, Iterable) -> Tree :red_question_mark: 谓词 Tree#measure() -> m Tree#isEmpty() -> Boolean :salt: 添加值 Tree#push(x) -> Tree Tree#cons(x) -> Tree Tree#a
2021-08-03 18:04:32 237KB javascript computer-science immutable functional
借助Extra-Trees回归算法对恒星年龄进行预测。 估计恒星或恒星的年龄仍然是天文学领域最困难的问题之一,也是正在进行的研究主题。 使用不同的算法和机器技术来估算恒星的年龄,这伴随着通过望远镜追踪多年和逐年恒星的成本。 我们已经使用特征工程和机器学习来以更高的准确性和尽可能少的错误来解决此问题。 我们已经通过各种机器学习算法对模型进行了测试,并选择了能够给我们带来最佳性能的模型。
2021-08-03 16:07:11 652KB 论文研究
Mtree is a powerful tree creation tool for the Unity editor. Nominated for best Artistic Tool 2019 Unity Awards. Every game needs vegetation, and while there are numerous vegetation packs for sale on the asset store, nothing beats the usefulness of having total control over the look and performance of the assets. Mtree will not only create beautiful looking vegetation, it will streamline your workflow by removing the need of modelling, unwrapping, importing your vegetation models from another software, and doing it all over again when you need to change a small detail. With Mtree, there will be less iterations over your models, and they will be quicker. Mtree trees are made in unity, for unity, the material is right, the dimensions are right, and everything is simple. Moreover, a good mesh is not enough in order to have a believable vegetation asset, you need a good shader, a good wind displacement solution, and vertex data to feed those; Mtree will answer every one of these needs. Mtree offers an intuitive, simple, yet complete solution for crafting AAA trees in a matter of minutes. With Mtree you can: • Create a trunk of any shape. • Add branches, grow them, split stem, add more branches. • Add leafs of any shape. • Bake the ambient occlusion in the vertex data. • Control the polygon count, get the most out of the fewest triangles. • Create Branches textures from a single leaf texture with the Branch Editor. • Save your finished tree as a prefab that is convenient to use. What Mtree will do for you: • Automatically create LOD levels. • Create and assign materials to the bark and leaves of your trees. • Make branches react to the colliders of your scene. • Create and render a billboard when you save the tree as prefab. • Bake the ambient occlusion when you save the tree as prefab. • Create vertex color data that will be used to drive the wind simulation and random color variation.
2021-08-03 09:47:18 147B unity tree
资源包支持的Unity版本: - Unity 5.6 - Unity 2017 - Unity 2018 - Unity 2018 LW RP 4.9 - Unity 2018 HD RP 4.9 - Unity 2019 - Unity 2019.1 LW RP 5.7+ - Unity 2019.1 HD RP 5.7 - Unity 2019.2+ LW RP 6.9+ - Unity 2019.2+ HD RP 6.9+ - Unity 2019.3+ LW RP 7.18+ - Unity 2019.3+ HD RP 7.18+ - Unity 2019.3 URP 7.2+ - Unity 2019.3 HD RP 7.2+ - Unity 2019.4 LTS HD RP - Unity 2019.4 LTS URP - 针对 7.2+ 的标准、HD、URP 的 VS PRO 支持 - SRP 批处理器支持 Unity 2019.2、2019.3+ LW、URP 及 HD RP - DOTS 实例化 想要运行 HD 或 LW RP,请将资源包导入 HD 或 LW RP 项目中,然后导入“HD 和 LW RP 支持”或“HD 和 URP 支持”文件夹内资源中的支持资源包。它将取代着色器、预制件、网格,因此开箱即可用于 RP。另请查看该文件夹中的自述文件。 该资源包内含有8种PBR山脉冷杉,有63个预制件。(39个标准预制件+24个Vegetation Studio预制件)。树木可放置在森林里(森林树木特别版本)或单独放置。所有树木都与 Unity 地形和 Vegetation Studio 系统完美适配(需准备额外的预设)。均经过精心优化,根据扫描数据创建。树木的过度绘制、绘制调用和渲染耗能都很低。所有树木均包含非常高级的风着色。树木可被积雪动态叠加,该功能可让你在静态场景中调整树上的积雪数量。 我们准备了6种树木预制件: - 普通:4到8棵树有2种树皮材质,树皮上混合极佳 - 低耗:所有树木都只有1种树皮材质(更少绘制调用),所有树木都使用相同的树叶和树皮。这意味着8种树木将同时进行批处理(整个森林的绘制调用都很低)。 - 普通动态雪 - 低耗动态雪 - 普通静态雪 - 低耗静态雪 所有低耗版树木都是同时进行批处理的,所以即使场景中有 8 种不同的树木,绘制调用数也会大幅降低。
2021-08-03 09:47:16 121B unity tree
This package contains a set of 6 highly detailed PBS oak trees – each consisting of 2 smoothly fading mesh based LODs and a billboard. The trees are manually modeled, carefully optimized, support instancing and only use 2 shared materials. Rendering The oak trees were created using CTI whose tree shaders support (deferred) translucent lighting, advanced bending driven by a built in directional wind zone and smooth LOD transitions. Unity's spherical wind zones are supported only on manually placed game objects. Compatibility The trees have been successfully tested with Unity 5.6.3., Unity 2018.2.15 and Vegetation Studio Pro using instanced indirect rendering. A modified shader adaptor is included. Unity's terrain engine is fully supported. Deferred shading is compatible with Lux Plus, AFS and ATG and needs you to assign the provided or compatible deferred lighting and reflection shaders. The package ships with shaders and prefabs compatible with HDRP 7.1.2., 10.3.2. + and URP 7.3.1., 7.5.1, 10.3.2 and 11.0. Preview shaders for URP 12 are included. Specs The vertex count ranges from 6900 / 4300 (small oak) to 11700 / 7500 (big oak). The texture resolution is 2K (leaves) and 1K by 2K (bark). The legacy tree creator oak trees from version 1.0 are still included.
2021-08-03 09:47:15 121B unity tree
2021-08-02 09:58:56 54KB jQuery Tree 分类 构建
2021-07-29 20:13:02 82KB tree grid
福特兰八叉树 Fortran八叉树实现。 测试 $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ ./octree_test [point number, default is 100]
2021-07-24 21:50:46 1.05MB R树(R-tree) 经典 论文 Antomn