Fundamentals of Python First Programs (1st Edition) 课件资源及代码,含PPT文件,注意都是英文的
2022-08-29 20:55:25 24.28MB Python
Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools 2nd Edition
2022-08-28 19:18:04 48.28MB Compilers Principles Techniques
中文翻译Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition 2.3节 本节给出了矩阵乘法的第一个例子。自然地,我们从包含许多 0 的矩阵开始。我们的目标是理解 矩阵的所作所为。E 作用于一个向量 b 或一个矩阵 A 来产生一个新向量 Eb 或一个新矩阵 EA。 我们的第一个例子将是“消元矩阵”。它们执行消元步骤。第 j 个方程乘以 lij 然后从第 i 个方程中 减去它。(这从方程 i 中消去 xj。)我们需要许多这样的简单矩阵 Eij,它针对主对角线下每个要消去的 非零元素。 幸运的是我们不会在后面的章节见到所有这些矩阵。它们是开始接触时的好例子,但它们太多了。 它们可以组合成一个一次做所有步骤的总体矩阵 E。最简洁的方式是将它们的逆 (Eij )−1 组合成一个 总体矩阵 L = E−1。以下是下一页的打算。 1. 弄清每一个步骤怎么就是一次矩阵乘法的? 2. 将所有这些步骤 Eij 整合成一个消元矩阵 E。 3. 弄清每个 Eij 是如何由它的逆矩阵 Eij −1 逆转的? 4. 将所有这些逆 Eij −1(按正确顺序)整合成
2022-08-27 22:05:10 176KB 线性代数 数学
Windows Internals, Seventh Edition is intended for advanced computer professionals (developers, security researchers, and system administrators) who want to understand how the core components of the Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 operating systems work internally. With this knowledge, developers can better comprehend the rationale behind design choices when building applications specific to the Windows platform. Such knowledge can also help developers debug complex problems. System administrators can benefit from this information as well, because understanding how the operating system works “under the hood” facilitates an understanding of the performance behavior of the system and makes troubleshooting system problems much easier when things go wrong. Security researchers can figure out how software applications and the operating system can misbehave and be misused, causing undesirable behavior, while also understanding the mitigations and security features modern Windows offers against such scenarios. After reading this book, you should have a better understanding of how Windows works and why it behaves as it does.
2022-08-27 11:51:56 68.37MB Windows Internals 内核 系统
使用Minecraft Bedrock Edition的模组写法编写,以将工业时代适配到基岩版。更新日志: -7月12日:添加模组4个矿石 -7月15日:添加部分工具 -7月19日:为矿石添加掉落列表 -7月23日:添加模组分页以及一个模组生物 -7月28日:添加部分准备(银与铜) -8月2日:添加爆炸猪 -8月12日:添加矿石熔炼配方 -8月14日:添加工具配方 -8月17日:添加矿石生成规则 -8月26日:添加部分遗迹和地形 || 以后我会更新其他东西,比如说下一步我打算增加一个新群系和一些新遗迹以及工具盔甲等。 || 本人会定期发布更新日志,在本人主页可以查看 || 源代码已托管到GitHub,账户名为Buelie || 本人工作室可以在MCBBS找到
2022-08-24 18:06:01 184KB Minecraft Mod
C Programming Language, 2nd Edition 英文版 第2版 PDF 扫描版 Dennis Ritchie
2022-08-21 21:17:01 20.27MB C Programming Language Dennis
2022-08-21 16:25:54 3.05MB C++ 代码
THIS BOOK IS BASED on a course of the same name that has been taught annually at Stanford University since 1970. About fty students have taken it each year|juniors and seniors, but mostly graduate students|and alumni
of these classes have begun to spawn similar courses elsewhere. Thus the time
seems ripe to present the material to a wider audience (including sophomores).
2022-08-21 11:18:31 2.83MB concrete mathematics
Beginning Linux Programming, 4th Edition。电子版仅供预览及学习交流使用,下载后请24小时内删除,支持正版,喜欢的请购买正版书籍。
2022-08-20 09:06:04 7.82MB Beginning Linux Programming
Profitcy Machine Edition软件操作说明
2022-08-19 14:05:27 829KB ge fanuc