TIA s7-1500/1200, 编程入门手册,2017年
2021-10-04 13:00:22 2.83MB S7-1500 tia s71500手册 doc
2021-09-28 18:03:50 11.19MB LDPC码 LDPC
2021-09-28 14:03:08 13.88MB STM32无感 stm32模块化 无感方波 方波无感
Windows v1909-Language-Pack_x64语言包,同时适用于windows1903
2021-09-28 09:01:07 23.34MB windows 10 windows1909语言包
2021-09-27 19:06:01 657KB quectel EC200S
Performance criteria B description: During the test, degradation of performance is allowed. However, no change of operating state or stored data is allowed to persist after the test. After the test, the EUT shall continue to operate as intended without operator intervention. No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed, after the application of the phenomena below a performance level specified by the manufacturer, when the EUT is used as intended. Performance criteria C description: During and after testing, a temporary loss of function is allowed, provided the function is self recoverable, or can be restored by the operation of the controls or cycling of the power to the EUT by the user in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Functions, and/or information stored in non-volatile memory, or protected by a battery backup, shall not be lost.
2021-09-27 17:21:28 1.21MB BS EN 61000-4-8 2010
Wideband transmission systems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU
2021-09-26 10:58:57 1.35MB RF EN 300328