Spring in Action.pdf(第五版)高清目录版!!
2021-05-10 15:29:41 10.3MB spring 资源 书籍
Gradle in Action 中文版 难得的资源,稀缺,值得精读。
2021-05-10 10:22:06 72.79MB gradle
Advanced Action Scheduler是一个免费的开放源代码调度软件,允许用户在一天中的任何时间,小时,分钟和秒钟内自动执行任务。 ##功能##-为方便进行分组时间表-运行命令行命令-打开,关闭和切换窗口-使用用户指定的浏览器打开URL-在特定位置和目标窗口上自动单击鼠标-在指定时间关闭并重新启动PC
2021-05-08 17:03:54 910KB 开源软件
2021-05-08 15:23:38 53B 人工智能 算法
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2021-05-07 13:03:25 55KB JavaScript
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2021-05-06 09:02:00 125.14MB 录屏 截图 直播录屏 游戏录屏
2021-05-05 18:02:46 3.46MB python
Summary Mule in Action, Second Edition is a totally-revised guide covering Mule 3 fundamentals and best practices. It starts with a quick ESB overview and then dives into rich examples covering core concepts like sending, receiving, routing, and transforming data. About the Technology An enterprise service bus is a way to integrate enterprise applications using a bus-like infrastructure. Mule is the leading open source Java ESB. It borrows from the Hohpe/Woolf patterns, is lightweight, can publish REST and SOAP services, integrates well with Spring, is customizable, scales well, and is cloud-ready. About the Book Mule in Action, Second Edition is a totally revised guide covering Mule 3 fundamentals and best practices. It starts with a quick ESB overview and then dives into rich examples covering core concepts like sending, receiving, routing, and transforming data. You’ll get a close look at Mule’s standard components and how to roll out custom ones. You’ll also pick up techniques for testing, performance tuning, and BPM orchestration, and explore cloud API integration for SaaS applications. Written for developers, architects, and IT managers, this book requires familiarity with Java but no previous exposure to Mule or other ESBs. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. What’s Inside Full coverage of Mule 3 Integration with cloud services Common transports, routers, and transformers Security, routing, orchestration, and transactions About the Authors David Dossot is a software architect and has created numerous modules and transports for Mule. John D’Emic is a principal solutions architect and Victor Romero a solutions architect, both at MuleSoft, Inc. Table of Contents Part 1: Core Mule Chapter 1. Discovering Mule Chapter 2. Processing messages with Mule Chapter 3. Working with connectors Chapter 4. Transforming data with Mule Chapter 5. Routing data with Mule Chapter 6. Working with components an
2021-05-01 11:23:37 19.15MB Mule ESB Java
C++ Concurrency in Action- 2nd Edition(英文第二版 带书签),无解压密码,放心下载
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