完美的保存word文档中的图片。打印的时候选择cutePDF writer就可以了。速度可能是慢了点,但是完美保真,觉得值得。
2022-09-07 09:33:21 6.85MB office,word,2003 2007 2010,pdf
Changelog: ========== 2015-04-23 (5.91) - Fixed: IDEFixPack didn't take into account that DB.TFlatList uses late loading through GetCount - Fixed: fastdcc32/64/aarm in XE7 and XE8 didn't load the CompilerSpeedPack into the compiler's process 2015-04-21 (5.9) - Added: Fix for QC 71270, 76338 and 76379. "CodeInsight doesn't like the underscore." - Added: TStringList.IndexOfName optimization - Fixed: FieldAddress optimization could fail if a published field name was also used in an ancestor 2015-02-15 (5.8) - Added: Compiler cleanup code performance optimization for large packages - Added: If XE7's rlink32.dll is detected in older Delphi versions the "too many resources to handle" patch is skipped - Changed: Installer/Uninstaller doesn't require rtl.bpl/vcl.bpl in the PATH anymore - Improved: IDE Fix Pack StringLists use CompareStringOrdinal instead of CompareString 2014-09-16 (5.71) - Improved: EditorLineBreak.ttr patch not only prevents the file loading but also deletes/renames the existing file 2014-08-25 (5.7) - Added: TObject.FieldAddress optimization for DFM loading - Added: Fix for QC 111917: RLINK32: Too many resources to handle. Instead of 3626 it can now handle 65534 resource items - Added: String function replacements without STRINGCHECKS - Added: Fix for "class operator In" class completion - Added: IDEFixPackReg*.exe supports command line parameter /EXTRACT that extracts the files instead of installing them - Added: Disable creation of EditorLineEnd.ttr 解决 EditorLineEnd.ttr 占用问题
2022-09-04 14:15:59 2.19MB IDEFixPack
航天扩频测控中,多普勒频率达到上百千赫兹,而要求设备捕获时 间为秒级。对如此苛刻的要求,目前只能使用匹配滤波器实现载波、伪码双并行捕获 方法。针对扩频测控使用伪码长度较长,匹配滤波器占用资源过大,难以应用于实际 的不足,提出了一种应用折叠匹配滤波器加快速傅里叶变换( fast Fourier transform,FFT)载波并行捕获的方法。该方法利用折叠匹配滤波器占用资源少的特点,克服了 捕获速度与资源占用的矛盾,在不改变捕获速度的同时,达到了减少硬件资源的目 的。
2022-09-03 21:42:21 311KB 工程技术 论文
2022-09-02 14:37:27 47.68MB C++Test VS 插件
2022-09-01 08:41:36 849KB 工程技术 论文
NI-基于NI Veristand 2010的实时测试zip,NI Veristand的外部功能和较短的学习曲线可以帮助您提高实时测试应用运行更加有效率。LabVIEW和其他环境增加到NI Veristand中提供了总是可以满足您需求的保证。通过该视频的观看,可以了解如何利用NI Veristand来降低及控制实时测试应用的成本。
2022-08-30 23:36:34 32.59MB 综合资料
visio 2010 版安装包
2022-08-30 09:00:59 446.38MB visio工具安装包
2022-08-28 09:06:16 534.72MB Gamesys vc++2010
 《wpf编程宝典—c#2010版》针对了解.net平台、c#语言以及visual studio开发环境的专业开发人员,深入分析了wpf。在学习本书前,不需要具备使用以前版本wpf的经验,而使用过wpf的开发人员可以通过阅读每章开头“新增功能”中突出显示的wpf新特性。   《wpf编程宝典—c#2010版》全面描述了所有wpf的主要特性,从xaml(用于定义wpf用户界面的标记语言)到3d绘图和动画。本书很少编写涉及.net framework其他特性的代码,如用于查询数据库的ado.net类。本书中不讨论这些内容。但如果需要更多有关.net而非特定于wpf的特性,请参考apress出版的许多专门介绍.net的书籍。
2022-08-25 20:49:34 33.69MB WPF
Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1: General requirements
2022-08-22 10:17:43 866KB iec61851 2010 Part 1: