2019-12-21 21:47:59 2.49MB 流致振动
2019-12-21 21:32:10 30.58MB matlab matpower power flow
《Pro Spring MVC With Web Flow 》是《 精通SpringMVC 》的全英文版,对java开发人员来说,读最原始的原汁原味的技术文档,才不会被有些翻译不合理的书籍所误导其本意,对自己本身来说也是一种提高。
2019-12-21 21:18:23 12.9MB java
化学反应流数值模拟经典书籍 Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow SECOND EDITION This book takes account of the explosive growth in computer technologyand the greatly increased capacity for solving complex reactive-flow problemsthat have occurred since the first edition of Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow was published in 1987. It presents algorithms useful for reactive-flow simulations, describes trade-offs involved in their use, and gives guidance for building and using models of complex reactive flows. The text covers both new topics and significant changes in the treatment of radiationtransport, coupling,grids and numerical representations, and turbulence.
2019-12-21 21:12:14 3.8MB 数值模拟 化学反应流 经典
陈星汉(JenovaChen)的硕士论文,其中主要讨论的是沉浸理论应该如何被运用到游戏设计中去,特别是如何运用该理论来改善游戏中的动态难度调整系统(Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment)。
2019-12-21 20:54:35 252KB 游戏设计 陈星汉
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2019-12-21 20:50:13 35KB flow-3d 破解文件
c程序阅读AutoFlowchart软件,让代码之间的逻辑关系可视化,更易读懂代码。包含:AutoFlowchart.chm-编译的HTML帮助文件;AutoFlowchart.exe-应用程序;Main.ini-配置文件; ReadmeText-使用说明。
2019-12-21 20:47:51 988KB Auto Flow chart
一款使用 Python django 开发的简易 CMS 内容管理系统 标记:大二 - 数据库课程设计 --- 这是一款简约、高效的博客系统,你可以利用它发表自己的文章,每一篇文章都必须要有一个分类,这是你应该创建的,不过文章的标签属性可以有多个。同时,游客可以对公开的文章进行评论,当然,你也可以回复他。 你可以创建自己的页面,这会在首页显示,不过遗憾的是,当页面太多的时候首页看起来会很奇怪,不过关于这一点我们会在以后修复它。 博客支持多用户同时注册并管理,不过新建用户的时候需要管理员的授权,管理员可以授予用户相应的管理权限,而用户则可以在满足权限的情况下把它授予给其他人。为了管理方便,我们引入了组的概念,对组进行授权相当于我们对组内的所有用户进行授权。
2019-12-21 20:38:08 94KB python django mysql blog
迁移学习Geodesic Flow Kernel (GFK) 算法代码,可运行。
2019-12-21 20:33:57 311KB 迁移学习
ePUB is an open, industry-standard format for eBooks. However, support of ePUB and its many features varies across reading devices and applications. Use your device or app settings to customize the presentation to your liking. Settings that you can customize often include font, font size, single or double column, landscape or portrait mode, and figures that you can click or tap to enlarge. For additional information about the settings and features on your reading device or app, visit the device manufacturer ’s Web site. Many titles include programming code or configuration examples. To optimize the presentation of these elements, view the eBook in single-column, landscape mode and adjust the font size to the smallest setting. In addition to presenting code and configurations in the reflowable text format, we have included images of the code that mimic the presentation found in the print book; therefore, where the reflowable format may compromise the presentation of the code listing, you will see a “Click here to view code image” link. Click the link to view the print-fidelity code image. To return to the previous page viewed, click the Back button on your device or app.
2019-12-21 20:29:48 13.64MB PCB