This tutorial show how to use Hibernate/JPA Named Queries. We start by explaining why we would use named queries. Next, we show an example of how to use named queries, either with annotations or XML configuration.
2021-08-20 19:05:53 5KB jpa xml
AD7760 AD7762 FPGA AD公司官网评估板开源源代码
2021-08-19 20:52:35 1.52MB AD7760 AD7762 FPGA
六面体网格划分基础教程,用于仿真分析 有具体思路、方法,实例操作
2021-08-19 11:09:22 1.84MB TrueGrid
视觉转换器 Keras Tensorflow Pytorch 示例 在介绍的 Vision Transformer (ViT) 的 Tensorflow 实现,作者表明 Transformers 直接应用于图像补丁并在大型数据集上进行了预训练,在图像分类方面效果非常好。 官方文件 官方代码 文章一步一步 视觉转换器 。 Vision Transformer 代码集锦 否 名称 关联 1。 ViT Pytorch (1.9K) :star: 2. 谷歌 Vit 代码(1.3K) :star: 3. 全天下(161) :star: 4. Vit Tensorflow2 5. 视觉转换器 Pytorch(80) :star: 6. 预训练视觉转换器 (70) :star: 7. 视觉转换器TF2(49) :star: 8. 视觉转换器 Tensorflow(62) :star: 9. 带控制激活图的视觉变压器(4
2021-08-19 09:26:59 7KB tensorflow example keras pytorch
Java drastically changed with the introduction of Java 8, and this change has been elevated to a whole new level with the new version, Java 9. Java has a well-established past, being more than 20 years old, but at the same time, it is new, functional, reactive, and sexy. This is a language that developers love, and at the same time, it is the number one choice of developer language for many enterprise projects.
2021-08-18 11:06:19 7.28MB Java 9 programming
OpenGL Game Development By Example - 9781783288199 - 2016 Packt Publishing
2021-08-17 10:30:54 4.37MB OpenGL
phaserjs_example_countdown PhaserJS 中的倒数计时器示例
2021-08-15 23:52:37 489KB JavaScript
节点隐藏示例 使用 Node.js 和 node-hid 从 Magtek 读卡器读取的示例
2021-08-15 21:02:16 2KB CoffeeScript
2021-08-15 13:04:12 175.56MB GeoPIV-RG例子