NRGSYMPHONIEREAD 导入 NRG Systems Symphonie 数据文件NRGSymphonieRead 导入从 NRG Symphonie 数据记录器生成的文本文件。 NRGSymphonieRead 需要统计工具箱。 用法:[站点,数据] = NRGSymphonieRead(FileName) 输入FileName =要从中导入数据的文件的名称输出site = 包含站点和频道元数据的结构data = 包含收集到的数据的数据集数组 此功能旨在读取 NRG Systems Symphonie 数据检索器的文本文件输出,这是一种转换实用程序,可从数据记录器的原始二进制文件生成文本文件。 MATLAB 函数假定文本文件由多行标题信息构成,后跟下面的分隔数据表。 标题信息根据文本文件中的分隔符分为多个部分,例如“-----记录器信息-----”。 标头信息存储在 MATL
2021-12-31 10:58:11 9KB matlab
Grieves教授关于数字孪生发展的又一力作,通篇论文较长,请仔细阅读。 摘要如下:The idea that the information about a physical object can be separated from the object itself and then mirror or twin that object is a concept referred to as the Digital Twin. The Digital Twin is receiving a great deal of interest from manufacturers who make advanced products that have all the characteristics of complex systems. While the Digital Twin concept is becoming better fleshed out and understood, there is much more work to be accomplished. Specifically, the characteristics of the physical product as these become smart, connected product system (SCPS or Physical Twin) need to be defined and described. The success of the Digital Twin model will rest on the value it creates for both the manufac￾turers and the users of their products. There will also be new issues, security among the most important, that need to be surfaced and addressed.
2021-12-31 10:00:43 6.92MB 数字孪生 Digit twin Physical
仓库非标准答案,只是作者在阅读操作系统导论时的解答,以及对部分README的翻译 本人翻译水平有限,见谅。欢迎指出错误 部分章节课后习题的英文翻译书上是没有的,但在原版上存在: 英文原版: : 书籍翻译: : 代码无法运行 本书代码测试环境为Intel x64 / Ubuntu gcc版本为: gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) Python2版本: Python 2.7.18 Python3版本: Python 3.8.5 第三方Python3库: pip3 install matplotlib numpy 遇到无法运行的代码请检查是否为版本问题
2021-12-29 09:56:18 872KB 系统开源
GIS专业教材第二版 Effective use of today’s vast geographic information (GI) resources requires more than just powerful technology for problem solving. It requires science to help us understand the way the world works, and to help us devise effective procedures for making decisions. Three previous editions have established this text as a defining multidisciplinary treatment of the scientific principles that underpin the use of geographic information technologies for problem solving. This extensively revised and updated edition provides a guide to the enduring scientific principles and information systems that support effective use of today’s GI. It also provides a primer on essential methods for analysis of GI, and the ways in which effective management of GI informs policy and action.
2021-12-29 09:55:30 39.43MB GIS
Using machine learning to gain deeper insights from data is a key skill required by modern application developers and analysts alike. Python is a wonderful language to develop machine learning applications. As a dynamic language, it allows for fast exploration and experimentation. With its excellent collection of open source machine learning libraries you can focus on the task at hand while being able to quickly try out many ideas. This book shows you exactly how to find patterns in your raw data. You will start by brushing up on your Python machine learning knowledge and introducing libraries. You'll quickly get to grips with serious, real-world projects on datasets, using modeling, creating recommendation systems. Later on, the book covers advanced topics such as topic modeling, basket analysis, and cloud computing. These will extend your abilities and enable you to create large complex systems. With this book, you gain the tools and understanding required to build your own systems, tailored to solve your real-world data analysis problems.
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2021-12-26 18:27:07 2.46MB real-time Jane W. S.
Hard Real-Time Computing Systems 3rd edition Giorgio C. Buttazzo pdf, 文字可复制
2021-12-26 17:15:33 3.48MB 实时系统
Computer Explorations in SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS using Matlab
2021-12-23 14:38:42 17.98MB dsp Matlab
(2) 总线空闲 隐性电平,无长度限制(0 亦可)。 本状态下,可视为总线空闲,要发送的单元可开始访问总线。 (3) 延迟传送(发送暂时停止) 8 个位的隐性位。 只在处于被动错误状态的单元刚发送一个消息后的帧间隔中包含的段。
2021-12-22 19:53:21 1.83MB can  汽车
2021-12-21 17:19:11 20.8MB Intelligent Systems. Reasoning; Bayesian