Perlturns23yearsoldlaterthisyear.Thelanguagehasgonefromasimpletoolforsystemadministrationsomewherebetween shellscriptingandCprogramming(Perl1)toapowerful,general-purposelanguagesteepedinarichheritage(Perl5)anda consistent,coherent,rethinkingofprogrammingingeneralintendedtolastforanother25years(Perl6
2021-01-28 02:23:54 1.53MB Modern Perl_en
Effective Modern C++英文版及中文翻译. 第一章 类型推导 条款1: 理解模板类型推导 条款2: 理解auto类型推导 条款3: 理解decltype 条款4: 知道如何查看类型推导 第二章 auto关键字 条款5: 优先使用auto而非显式类型声明 条款6: 当auto推导出非预期类型时应当使用显式的类型初始化
2020-04-08 03:20:08 5.16MB c++11 c++14 Effect modern
2020-04-04 03:08:16 53.49MB Antenna handbook
Long considered the standard for covering chemistry at a high level, PRINCIPLES OF MODERN CHEMISTRY, 7e continues to set the standard as the most modern, rigorous, and chemically and mathematically accurate book on the market. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout to strengthen its sound "atoms first" approach, this authoritative book now features new content, and new art. In addition, the text is now more reader friendly without compromising its rigor. End-of-chapter learning aids now focus on only the most important key objectives, equations and concepts, making it easier for readers to locate chapter content, while new applications to a wide range of disciplines, such as biology, chemical engineering, biochemistry, and medicine deepen readers' understanding of the relevance of chemistry in today's world.,解压密码
2020-03-10 03:14:02 42.83MB 英文
The Modern C++ Challenge: Become an expert programmer by solving real-world problems Test your C++ programming skills by solving real-world programming problems covered in the book C++ is one of the most widely-used programming languages and has applications in a variety of fields, such as gaming, GUI programming, and operating systems, to name a few. What You Will Learn Serialize and deserialize JSON and XML data Perform encryption and signing to facilitate secure communication between parties Embed and use SQLite databases in your applications Use threads and asynchronous functions to implement generic purpose parallel algorithms Compress and decompress files to/from a ZIP archive Implement data structures such as circular buffer and priority queue Implement general purpose algorithms as well as algorithms that solve specific problems Create client-server applications that communicate over TCP/IP Consume HTTP REST services Use design patterns to solve real-world problems
2020-03-06 03:02:04 17.36MB c++17 solving real
COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY A Modern Approach。英文正式出版,非draft version
2020-02-23 03:03:12 4.56MB Computation Class
Contents Preface v Typographical Conventions xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 A Quick Overview of S ....................... 3 1.2 Using S ............................... 5 1.3 An Introductory Session . . . . . ................. 6 1.4 WhatNext? ............................. 12 2 DataManipulation 13 2.1 Objects ............................... 13 2.2 Connections............................. 20 2.3 DataManipulation ......................... 27 2.4 TablesandCross-Classification................... 37 3The S Language 41 3.1 Language Layout . . ........................ 41 3.2 More on S Objects ......................... 44 3.3 ArithmeticalExpressions...................... 47 3.4 CharacterVectorOperations .................... 51 3.5 Formatting and Printing . . . . . . ................. 54 3.6 Calling Conventions for Functions ................. 55 3.7 ModelFormulae........................... 56 3.8 ControlStructures.......................... 58 3.9 ArrayandMatrixOperations.................... 60 3.10 Introduction to Classes and Methods . . . ............. 66 4 Graphics 69 4.1 GraphicsDevices .......................... 71 4.2 Basic Plotting Functions . . . . . ................. 72 viiviii Contents 4.3 EnhancingPlots........................... 77 4.4 FineControlofGraphics ...................... 82 4.5 Trellis Graphics . . . ........................ 89 5 Univariate Statistics 107 5.1 Probability Distributions . . . . . .................107 5.2 Generating Random Data . . . . . .................110 5.3 DataSummaries...........................111 5.4 ClassicalUnivariateStatistics....................115 5.5 RobustSummaries .........................119 5.6 DensityEstimation .........................126 5.7 Bootstrap and Permutation Methods . . . .............133 6 Linear StatisticalModels 139 6.1 AnAnalysisofCovarianceExample................139 6.2 ModelFormulaeandModelMatrices ...............144 6.3 Regression Diagnostics . . . . . . .................151 6.4 SafePrediction ....................
2020-02-13 03:14:08 2.73MB R Statistics
2020-02-13 03:04:00 5.37MB EffectiveMod
本书为PDF文字版, 非扫描版.Scott Meyers effective c++系列最新作品, 主要讲解了C++11 C++14的新特性.本书的重点不在介绍这些新特性, 而在于讲解这些新特性的应用,怎样利用这些新特性写出高效的代码.是C++ coder必看的书籍之一.
2020-02-10 03:07:04 4.71MB c++ c++11新特性 ScottMeyers c++14
這本是“虎書”的ML語言描述版本(英文)。 《现代编译原理》全面讲述了现代编译器的结构、编译算法和实现方法,是Andrew w.Apple的“虎书”——Modern Compiler Implementation——“红、蓝、绿”三序列之一。这三本书的内容基本相同。但是使用不同的语言来实现书中给出的一个编译器。本书使用的是函數式的ML语言。本书的另一个特点是增加了一些其他编译原理教科书没有涉及的内容。前端增加了面向对象的程序设计语言、函数式程序设计语言等现代语言的编译实现方法,后端增加了针对现代计算机体系结构特征的一些比较成熟的优化方法。这部分内容展现了现代商业编译器需解决的一些关键问题,开拓了学生的视野,为学生未来进行更深入的研究奠定了基础。
2020-02-10 03:03:23 35.45MB 編譯器 虎書 編譯原理 SML